
  • Essay / Compare and Contrast Bowling For Columbine By Michael...

    Al Gore talks about global warming and how it is becoming a major problem not only nationally but internationally. What convinced me were all the facts used that had various reasons that directly supported his argument that something needed to be done to help save the earth we live on. He explains that before, we didn't really know if this global warming was real. true or not. We have already experienced an appeal to ignorance in thinking that global warming is not true because it is not proven to be real. Today, with all the scientific facts and experiments, such as rising water levels due to melting ice caps, we now realize that global warming is real. During Al Gore's visual of the polar bear being forced into the water due to broken ice, I feel like the appeal for pity for the polar bear was used to try to convince the audience of his argument. Al Gore uses arguments linked to the incident of Hurricane Katrina that formed over Florida. He explained that global warming has caused the water in the Gulf to warm, and as water temperatures increase, wind speeds increase and humidity increases. After Katrina formed over Florida, it crossed the Gulf and picked up energy from warm temperature, increased wind speeds and humidity, which then caused a catastrophic disaster in New York State.