
  • Essay / Tattoos: expressions of identity with permanent consequences

    Snakes, grim reapers, skulls and bones and hearts; these are just a few examples of the many icons whose ink is stuck to their skin forever. Tattoos, lasting ink images sealed forever on a person's body, are used to symbolize the wearer's characteristics or allegiance to a group/society/idea. Those whose skin is united with the instilled ink illustrations can indeed transmit their thoughts, beliefs, etc. through tattoos that they consider sacred. However, it is this expression that can elicit both positive and negative responses. Wearing clothing or accessories that promote or express one's beliefs or ideas is generally acceptable, but straying to the point of getting a tattoo is not always the best option. Not only that, but once obtained, one may sometimes regret the choice one made, but the scars from tattoos never fade. Tattoos should not be used to adorn the skin, as they can cause negative attention to oneself, promote future regrets, and reinforce the need to fit into a particular group. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayImagine wearing a T-shirt with a suggestive logo. Whether or not you agree with the message on the t-shirt, others will assume that you believe the subject on your t-shirt; and may not approve if the message is unpleasant. They may try to avoid you or even give you a bad vibe. Likewise, a tattoo often carries an idea, free to express itself to the public. However, one can remove a T-shirt, but a tattoo is extremely difficult, if possible, to remove. If you end up with a tattoo that is offensive to some people, even if you don't think so, you could isolate yourself from other people who don't appreciate your tattoo, which may include your own family or intimate partner. For example, one interviewee recalled an experience with her boyfriend: “…he didn't want his parents to know I had a tattoo…He let me know he didn't like it…he would rather I didn't have it. …” (Marks of Mischief 98). Getting a tattoo can be difficult for an intimate partner or family member to accept, especially with the stereotype that tattoos belong to hardcore bikers. And even if you may find your tattoo acceptable, knowing that your own family and friends can't hurt. While the idea of ​​biker-related tattoos is a stereotype by all means, that doesn't disprove it. Bikers often wear tattoos to show their allegiance to a clan or gang. One interviewee recalled the reason for getting a tattoo: "I got a it makes me more accepted in this [biker] community...The typical biker would tell you that you almost have to have some tattoos to be part of the group” (96). The interviewee implies that tattoos are essential to being part of a biker group. However, why should anyone sacrifice their skin to be part of a group? Getting a tattoo for this purpose can feel like hazing. Having tattoos should not “mark” you as part of a group. On the other hand, what happens if you get a tattoo that represents a group you don't agree with. You will be presented as a member of this group from the outside, even if that was not your intention. Tattoos can lead to misconceptions about loyalty to a group or to "marking" for :.