
  • Essay / Ethical Violation Case of Dr. Eric Poehlman

    Data is the epicenter around which all research studies are located, from the health survey to the number of users of a particular technology. People believe in facts and investigations that depend on data. Researchers work to collect data, examine and interpret the information. The primary duty of every researcher is to protect the integrity of the data. A well-reported case of scientific misconduct by Dr. Poehlman that made headlines in 2000 is discussed here. Dr. Eric Poehlman of the University of Vermont, a well-known researcher in the field of aging and obesity, is now known for ethical violations. Eric Poehlman, the obesity investigator, has done many studies and shown the world the connection between obesity and aging. In particular, how menopause, aging and obesity are linked. The world believed the great obesity expert until the question of research misconduct arose. In Eric's case, he was investigated for manipulating the study data himself, fabricating little data, then falsifying some and pooling funds from different organizations like l National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Health. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Lab technician DeNino felt that data in a spreadsheet had been manipulated. Misleading data falsification to obtain more grants. His study on aging tends to show a trend toward NIH grants. Dr. Poehlman has conducted various research activities. His study on Alzheimer's disease and its metabolism, the study of menopause on all 35 women. The study should have reported the real facts and if the results are not as desired, it may be due to the reduced number of subjects considered for the study. But neither was done. This is a manufacturing error and data falsification. The effect of such a study is disastrous because it led to misinterpretation of the data. Longitudinal Study of Aging: The study of aging where it all began. Individuals' data were manipulated to fit the hypothesis. The lab technician working on a similar project could not understand how, overnight, the data provided the expected statistical results. The Longitudinal Menopause Study: The study was designed to analyze the effect of menopause on metabolic activities. The woman before and after menopause was examined twice over a six-year period. The hypothesis was that metabolic changes are linked to menopause rather than aging. Based on evidence, it was found that this longitudinal study was not conducted but simply a fabrication of data involving 3 35-year-old women. This fake study was proposed for NIH grants and has been reported in numerous scientific journals and articles. Alzheimer's Disease: The study of Alzheimer's disease is another example of data fabrication and falsification. The objective of this study, which was to analyze variations in Alzheimer's disease with control subjects of the same age, was misleading. According to inspection, the subjects' initial statistics such as age and height were molded from the original. Additionally, the number of subjects was doubled by fabricating data to prove the established hypothesis. There can be many reasons, but one obvious reason is that the data should have been produced with results. ”