
  • Essay / A study on marketing strategies used to control consumer behavior

    The average American spends fifteen hours a week watching television. During this time, viewers are exposed to countless advertisements. While not everyone is affected by all advertisements, each of us is bound to become an ad addict at some point in our lives. Billions of dollars are spent by American businesses to create, execute, test and measure the effectiveness of advertising. American companies use various advertising techniques to encourage consumers to purchase their products. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original EssayAn essential part of advertising techniques is to capture the viewers' attention and make them remember the product after watching the ad. Without accomplishing these tasks, advertising is useless regardless of the quality of the product. One way to grab viewers' attention is to arouse their curiosity from the start of the ad. For example, in a Powerade commercial, a football player was painting his nails in a locker room before a game. The scene may seem peculiar to most spectators. The image intrigues viewers and causes them to continue watching the ad. Slogans in advertisements help viewers remember products. Nike is one of those advertisements that has generated a lot of success with its slogan: Just do it. Consumers around the world associate this imperative with Nike shoes. When a person plans to buy a pair of sports shoes, they will remember the slogan and think of Nike shoes. When advertising their products, companies keep their potential consumers in mind. After all, it will be consumers who will determine the effectiveness of advertisements. Advertisements make their products appear potentially useful to their target audience. For example, most of Handi-Snacks' target audiences are young children. Although Handi-Snacks are not a significant part of children's diets, advertising makes snacks seem like something delicious to eat. This reason alone is powerful enough to make kids beg their parents to buy them Handi-Snacks. Some companies also place more importance on viewers' concerns, needs, and problems than on the product presented in the advertisement. They focus on how their products can solve viewers' problems. To illustrate, instead of saying we have over fifty service centers nationwide, the advertisement would feature the saying You will be assured of courteous service and prompt delivery of spare parts from any of our fifty service centers located throughout the country. "By doing so, the company places the audience at the center of the advertising. Another advertising technique used by some companies is to make consumers believe that their products are different and more valuable than their competitors' offerings. The result is to attract customers by creating a positive and unique identity for the company and its offerings. In a world where there are more and more products and services every day, customers are exposed to an endless amount of advertisements. therefore choose something to believe in and maintain that idea until a message persuades them to change There may be very little difference between a company's product and that of its competitors. Nevertheless, the company. succeeds in promoting its product ifshe finds a way to communicate her uniqueness and connect it to a need of the target group. The company makes target consumers believe that because of this uniqueness, they should buy the product. Companies also use celebrity status and professional titles to convince consumers that their products are worth purchasing. One of Burger King's recent commercials features the Backstreetboys. In the advertisement, the group initially stated that it did not do advertising. However, they agreed to participate in the Burger King ad when they were told they would receive a lifetime supply of free whoppers. The implicit message was that if Backstreetboys were willing to do something they didn't want to do to get whoppers, then those whoppers must taste extremely delicious. By having a popular group in the advertisement, Burger King must attract many viewers. Using the title of a professional such as a doctor also helps promote a product. For example, if a doctor at Johns Hopkins said that Vioxx was effective in treating arthritis, then arthritis patients who saw the ad would try the drug. The doctor may not be famous, but his knowledge has earned him credibility. Sometimes, businesses use promotional techniques such as offering coupons and discounts to increase their product sales. Such promotion adds value to the product offered. This drives sales for reasons other than product benefits. Companies offer coupons and discounts to persuade consumers to try their products and change their purchasing habits so that light users find reasons to buy more. Coupons and discounts work because people like something for free. They respond to “buy one, get one free” deals and like to get a good deal on their purchases. Images presented on television and in magazines manipulate consumers by appealing to their desires. Many images feature ideal elements and conditions in people's lives that almost everyone would want but few possess. Most people want to have physical beauty, to succeed in life, to be loved, to be rich, healthy and happy. People envy those who have what they want and wish they could live the lives of others. The desire is so overwhelming that they are willing to try anything to achieve it. Some are ready to believe that the products advertised hold the answers to their quests. For example, the Nike company features famous athletes such as Michael Jordan in its advertisements. Jordan shoots baskets while wearing Nike shoes in the commercials. It is well known that Jordan has led his basketball team to win countless games and he has been named the NBA's most valuable player several times. Nike ads featuring Jordon present the image that Nike shoes contribute significantly to his success. The implicit message is that if a successful basketball player like Michael Jordan wears Nike shoes, then consumers who wear them will perform better in their sport. Athletes who are really trying to improve their performance in games will buy Nike shoes without thinking twice. Therefore, they allow images to be manipulated and thus achieve the objectives of advertisers. Companies use various images to respond to consumers' desires and persuade them to buy their products. The placement of advertisements in magazines and time slots.