
  • Essay / Comparing the Waterfall and Rup Models: A Student's Perspective

    The Waterfall Model is a common project methodology and it is a sequential design project method that was designed originated for software development, but is now used for a variety of project types (“,” nd). It has 6 phases: Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get the original essayRequirements Design Implementation Verification DeploymentMaintenance The unique feature of the waterfall model is the sequential nature of the phases when a phase ends, another phase begins. Organizations continue to use the waterfall model because it is: suitable for simple or smaller projects, requirements are well understood, easy to understand, easy to manage, clear milestones and comprehensive documentation. There are several problems associated with the waterfall model, for example, it is not the perfect model for software development because the waterfall modal maintains that it can only move to another phase when it is completed and fixed, so you can't go back if the design phase is finished. The problem in practice is that it is not possible for a non-trivial project to perfect one phase of a software product's life cycle before moving on to the next phase, in other words, software development cannot not be perfect the first time, you have to try, test or start again sometimes, which means you may face a lot of risks. Another problem is that it is not designed for large, complex projects. Rational Unified Process The main responsible for the introduction of Rational Unified Process (RUP) is Rational Software Corporation, a division of IBM. Moreover, it was introduced in 2003 (“Rational Unified Process”, 2018). The Rational Unified Process is a software engineering process. It provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization. Its goal is to ensure the production of high-quality software that meets the needs of its end users, within a predictable schedule and budget (“Rational Software,” 1998). Additionally, the Rational Unified Process helps in the design, planning, implementation, evaluation and execution of these types of tests. Furthermore, quality assessment is integrated into all activities, including all participants, using objective criteria and measures and is not considered a separate activity carried out by a separate group and functions for a wide range of projects and organizations. The rational unified process is better than the waterfall model. because it supports an iterative approach that improves understanding of the problem through sequential refinements and it yields effective solutions over multiple repetitions. An iterative approach is necessary to allow a better understanding of the problem through successive refinements and to gradually develop an effective solution over several iterations (“Rational Software”, 1998). Additionally, using an iterative approach resolves the highest risk items at each stage of the lifecycle and it is helpful to attack the hazard through frequent, verifiable progress and through executable releases that qualify ongoing end-user participation and feedback; This keeps the development team focused on achieving results because each iteration ends with an executable version, and frequent status checks help ensure the project stays on schedule. Moreover,.