
  • Essay / Why drug trafficking continues to increase despite...

    Drug use worldwide is very common. According to Drug Trafficking, “the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that 208 million people worldwide use drugs each year on at least one occasion.” Illegal drug trafficking is a growing problem around the world that many people are unaware of. This problem causes problems all over the world, whether they use drugs or not. Cocaine use has many harmful effects for people. For example, it can cause problems in a child if a mother uses it during pregnancy. “Prenatal exposure to cocaine is associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and developmental delays during the first two years of life” (“Infants”). Mothers often don't realize the problems they are causing their babies. Additionally, cocaine often causes problems in children's lives. In a study of 110 children born to mothers who used cocaine during pregnancy, "two had been killed, three were in prison, six had graduated from college, and six others were in school" (Anderson). These children are less likely to go to school and more likely to be involved in crime. In addition to pregnancy complications, cocaine can also cause heart disease and problems with brain function (in Britain, many people continue to use cocaine because they probably don't know it). These harmful effects. The use and sale of cocaine is closely linked to how society perceives it. According to recent studies, "the nature of drug trafficking and drug markets is affected by society's perception of a particular drug and the types of people who traffic it." (Drug trafficking). This means that drug dealing would likely be less popular if society had a different perception of drug use. If drugs were middle of paper...... Problems in context. Internet. May 9, 2014. Dyer, Zach. "UPDATE: Coast Guard seizes 1.9 tons of cocaine in Golfito."McClatchy - Tribune Business News May 7, 2014. ProQuest. Internet. May 8, 2014. “Infants exposed to cocaine before birth show significant cognitive deficits. » Women's Health Weekly May 9, 2002: n. page. Global issues in context. Web.19 May 2014. "Is Britain's cocaine problem out of control and what can we do about it?" » Independent [London] March 4, 2010: n. page. Global Issues in Context.Web. May 20, 2014. Karkos, Terry. “Peruvian traffic stop leads police to spot two Rumford men accused of drug trafficking. » McClatchy - Tribune Business News. May 2, 2014. ProQuest. Internet. May 5, 2014. Travis, Alan. "Britain faces 'emerging threat' from live-streaming sexual abuse." The Guardian: 21. May 2, 2014. ProQuest. Internet. May 2 2014 .