
  • Essay / Lenin followed Marxism, Stalin did not - 1766

    Marxism was defined by a man named Karl Marx and his associate Fredrich Engels. Basically, Marxism is defined as a theory of conflict, because Marx said that society is separated by conflict between the rich and the poor. Today, when we think of Marx's philosophy, we often view him as an enemy of capitalism because of his ties to communism. Although he adapted the foundry to communism as we know it, he never saw it as it is today. He saw it as a path to social egalitarianism; Equality between the poor and the rich (the proletariat and the bourgeoisie); a classless society. He wanted big businesses and factories to belong not to one man or one company as in capitalism, but to everyone. A concept he called Collective Ownership. He also defined a state of equality of all in a classless society called “communism”. He saw that the system should be set up to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. He believed that some members of the proletariat would eventually realize this through education. He believed that this change could only be achieved through the means of revolution and only through revolution. Vladimir Lenin or full name Vladimir IIch Ulyanov was born on April 22, 1870 in the Russian city of Simbirsk. Lenin's revolutionary ideas were only manifested when he was confronted with the death of his brother, executed for plotting the assassination of Tsar Alexander III. He studied law as well as the revolutionary ideas of Karl Marx. Lenin eventually became leader of the Bolsheviks, the majority of the divided half of the Russian social-democratic Labor Party. In 1917, the Russian Revolution overthrew the Tsarist government. Lenin wasted no time in making peace with the Germans. Meanwhile, a group of people are in the middle of a paper......even without discussing it themselves. Since Trotsky was not afraid to talk to Lenin, this made Stalin's attacks both successful and easy. But he often called himself a “perfect student of Lenin.” Stalinism was a concept based on “socialism in one country” which demonstrated an anti-Leninist, therefore anti-Marxist, approach. In all, Stalin did not allow the creation of the democratic dictatorship to take place through the dictatorship of the proletariat. Stalin brought the proletariat to the side of the bourgeoisie, which in history ended in complete disaster, thus completely rejecting the ideas of Leninism and therefore Marxism. , 2000), pp. 259-308