
  • Essay / Realistic view of the international system - 1342

    World opinion was against all these measures. The only concern of leaders is to increase the power of their nation and therefore of themselves. They do not care about the well-being of the international community in taking these measures. Finally, Hitler and Putin were and are very visibly “embedded in well-established domestic arrangements” of their respective countries. So much so that they embody the national image of Nazi Germany and modern Russia. This may have ultimately caused them to stop being a “rational actor,” but their initial actions fit perfectly into the rational actor role. Another example of acting in the country's interest on domestic arrangements would be President Obama's campaign promise to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and close Guantanamo Bay. None of these things happened when he was elected president, much to the dismay of many in his political party. However, the decision was not made by the Democratic Party but by the government of the United States of America, which acted in the interest of the country.