
  • Essay / Final Exam Questions and Answers - 1068

    The clip "Singing in the Rain" begins at the door of Cathy's apartment building, which is four steps above sidewalk level. It is evident that we are witnessing an urban city based on taxis and the layout of buildings that are all adjacent with little to no space in between. Most doors are one or two steps from street level. There are store windows along its route. Some doors have planters on either side. Some buildings have gutters that go all the way to street level while others end a little higher. There are many fire hydrants and street lights along its path. Genius Loci has two meanings; the first being the guardian of a place. The second being the distinctive character or atmosphere of a place in reference to the impression it produces on the mind. The first is an ancient definition, while the second is the contemporary definition according to Norberg Schulz. The character of a space is its Genius Loci. Genius Loci is important as a theory for understanding and deepening knowledge in architecture and placemaking because it is crucial to grasp the “genius” of a place in order to identify with it and now architecture is the visualization of Genius Loci. The primary goal of any architect should be to create meaningful places that are both functional and physically beautiful. By creating these meaningful and character-filled places, the architect helps a man live. Functional beauty means that the function of an object is an integral part of its aesthetic character. The aesthetic qualities of a functionally beautiful object emerge from its function or something closely related to it, such as its purposes, use, or purpose. A functionally beautiful object is one that is well suited to its purpose...... middle of paper ...... quality of abundant food that a well-governed city offers. Human beings thrive in different habitats that some would never choose to live in the cosmopolitan core, while others would wither in a pastoral environment. Human habitats are important because for a person to reach their full capacity and effectively serve their community, they must be consistent with their environment. Lorenzetti's mural and transect theory illustration offer the option of both extremely urban and extremely rural environments in order to provide residents with a wide range of options. With this diversity, any society has better prospects. Each zone or segment supplies its products to others and depends on others for theirs. Mutual support within the community allows it to flourish in a self-sustaining manner, allowing society to maintain its overall structural integrity..