
  • Essay / Essay on Adolf Hitler - 770

    Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler was the leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was the main mastermind of the Holocaust, which resulted in the mass destruction of millions of people, whom he considered them inferior to the Aryan ideal. Hitler is best known for the unforgivable acts he committed during his life. These actions were terrible and left a scar on the world that can never be repaired. His lust for power was ignited when he was twice rejected from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and ultimately led him on his quest for racial purity and "lebensraum", culminating in one of the worst genocides known to man. Adolf Schickelgruber Hitler was born on April 20, 2017. 1889 in the small town of Braunau in Austria. Adolf was the fourth of six children of his father Alois Hitler and his mother Klara Polzl. Alois was a minor customs official, while his mother Klara was a housewife. In elementary school, Hitler showed great intellectual potential and was extremely popular with his classmates and teachers, as well as being admired for his leadership qualities (Haugen, 20). However, when he went to high school, it was much more difficult than expected. Eventually, Hitler stopped trying and dropped out of high school at age 16. Adolf's harsh and angry father was angry at his poor grades in high school and wanted him to become a civil servant, not an artist like his son wanted. Hitler later wrote in a diary: “I yawned and felt sick to my stomach at the thought of sitting in an office, deprived of my freedom; to cease to be the master of my own time and to be obliged to force the contents of an entire life to remain empty” (Haugen, 20). Hitler was not happy with what his father expected of him, he had no intention... middle of paper... of creating a private army which he called the storm troopers. Brown-shirted uniforms and the swastika emblem were used to give his party and the stormtroopers (SA) a sense of unity and power. (Wistrich, 22). Hitler and the Nazis came to power in 1933. Earlier that year, in January, Hitler was named German chancellor, and his Nazi government quickly came to control every aspect of his life. Hitler's moves to establish Germany as the world's leading power and to annihilate the Jews became even bolder as other countries failed to act. The Nazis used various methods to convince the German people that the "Final Solution" was the right path for their country; this is what started the Holocaust. These methods included explicit and implicit threats of cruel violence. (Giblin, 27) The Holocaust was the most horrific persecution and murder.