
  • Essay / Living Free of Sexism in a Sexist World - 1182

    The American Women's History Companion said: "Sexism is the cultural assumption that men are superior to women and deserve preference and power over them. » (Bird, 1998) However, during my research, I discovered that sexism does not always come from men being superior to women, but also from women being superior to men. Of course, this is normally a feeling brought on by actions, words, and maybe nothing at all. I believe sexism is more common, with women being the most angry about their inferiority to men. There are cases where men feel inferior to women, but I think in those cases men may not be as quick to talk about their problem as women. Some people may believe that sexism is a completely natural reaction to early childhood problems, sexual abuse, or other sickening events. But if we wanted to, we could probably find an excuse for every unnecessary feeling we have. While there may be a correspondence between these things and sexism, it is not necessarily the cause. We are responsible for how we react to things that happen in our lives. Sexism is something we allow to control our feelings. “The National Organization for Women was formed in 1966 by activists who wanted “an NAACP for women” that would fight sexism and gender discrimination in American society. » (National Organization for Women, 2001) Sexism is unbiblical, unnecessary and unethical. Sexism runs rampant today like an infectious disease in our society. It is like a roaring lion waiting to eat its prey until it becomes angry at the apparent injustice of it. Even I, as a young woman, have sometimes been perhaps a little absorbed in the arguments and the angry attitudes that result from them. One of the most important areas of society...... middle of paper ....... Sexism is such an easy thing to get caught up in. But don't let any movement or person take away or add to what the Bible has already said about the male/female relationship. And, on the other hand, never allow yourself to feel “inferior” or “not good enough.” We each have a specific role to play in the kingdom of God. Use each role to its glory. Men, be a leader in your own home! Women, submit to your husband and love him as yourself! Sexism has no place in your marriage, your church, or anything else. Works CitedBird, Caroline. (1998). In The Reader's Companion to American Women's History. Retrieved from Organization for Women (NOW). (2001). In World of Sociology, Gale. Retrieved from