
  • Essay / Therapeutic role of Azadirachta Indica (neem) and their active constituents in the prevention and treatment of diseases

    The plant extracts used for research purposes are Azadirachta indica which is its botanical name and commonly known as The name “Neem” belongs to the Meliaceae family. Its chemical constituents are Nimbin, Nimbidin, Nimbidol. It has repellent, anti-hormonal, analgesic, anti-feeding, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antifungal properties. The beneficial biological characteristics of this plant are a detoxifying agent, acne reduction, digestive health benefits, dandruff prevention, and oral health benefits. It helps treat malaria and fever and cure allergic skin reactions. The leaves of Acacia nilotica are used as Babul or 'kikar', a member of the acacia family. The chemical constituents of acacia are rich in proteins, tannins are present in large quantities and have an artificially high fiber content. It is used to treat cancer, suppress appetite, stop obesity and cure diarrhea. Indian barberry is generally called 'Sumbloo' and the botanical name is Berberis aristata DC. It is an anti-cancer, an anti-diabetic and an anti-arthritis. Biological characteristics: It is beneficial for the treatment of mouth and throat infections. Sumbloo Root Powder is good for curing cancer patients, brain tumors, cancerous sores, mouth diseases, toothache, neck pain, thyroid glands, chronic wounds, diabetes , arthritis, infertility, fractures, jaundice, cramps and diarrhea. Senna alexandrina belongs to the Fabaceae family and commonly known as “Senna makki”. It is used to cure infections and skin diseases, used as a cathartic and laxative and to treat constipation. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get Original EssayThe cure and therapy for diseases like stroke, cancer, tumors, diabetes, atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease, antioxidant drugs are used. Previously reported to have multiplex biological effects, polyphenolic compounds are present in both plants, whether inedible or edible. In many areas of study like dyeing, nutrition, makeup products, beverages, drugs, flavors, repellents, flavor addition, and herbs, antioxidant activity is included. Many species are reported to have useful health effects, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, hypolipidemic, digestive stimulation, antimutagenic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and therapeutic properties. The ABTS radical scavenging activity of different samples was studied by Re et al. (1999). DPPH was explained by Brands Willaim et al. Fecl3 was explained by Berker rt al. (2007). ABTS or 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) observed kinetic reactions using specific enzymes. It is a notable substrate for measuring total antioxidant. An electronic antioxidant is involved to prevent the formation of ABTS. DPPH or 1-1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazl radical comes in powder form with a darker color and a significant free radical. DPPH is a popular antioxidant test. The DPPH test is performed when reducing DPPH in methanol solution. FRAP based on the reduction of the ferric tripyridyltriazine complex to the formation of ferrous ions. It changed from colorless to dark blue color. THEAntioxidants are compounds found in the body that protect cells against free radicals or ROS reactive oxygen cells. They are designed as normal metabolic functions of the body, free radicals can interfere with their ability to function and react with other cells. He recognized oxygen and free radical activity in human focus in aging, atherosclerosis and cancer-like diseases. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause free radicals to react with molecular oxygen. Reactive oxygen species composed of superoxide anions of hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide. Due to the activity of free radicals, natural antioxidants which are plant phenolic compounds are present in fruits, vegetables, bark, seeds and leaves, they are used to protect against biological damage and to inhibit the peroxidation. From diseases like cancer and atherosclerosis to wrinkles, free radicals play an important role in different health problems. The antioxidant compounds of Azadirachta indica and their effects on animals diagnosed with cancers are being described by universities around the world in ongoing research. A study reported in LifeSciences shows that antioxidant compounds in Azadirachta indica prevent brain damage in rats with stroke by increasing ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and increasing lipid peroxidation in the brain. Rats previously treated with Azadirachta indica can undergo a full standard test. The modern medical system contains more than 25 percent herbal medicines. Several trees have various medicinal properties, they have been ignored by the modern and indigenous system of medicine. Among them, Azadirachta indica belonging to the Meliaceae family plays a vital role due to its medicinal value in many indigenous communities. Recently, the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants as antioxidants has attracted more interest. Two medicinal tree species belonging to the Meliaceae family were selected from a plant source to evaluate the antioxidant potential. The four types of leaves were dried and extracted with different solvent systems, namely N-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, choloroform, and water. Six free radical scavenging DPPH extracts and antioxidant activity test are reported for two genera of the Meliaceae family and it is necessary to compare the free radical scavenging capacity of the extracts. For centuries, agents derived from natural sources (mother nature), particularly plants, have been the primary source of medicine. Azadirachta indica, also commonly known as “NEEM”, is one such plant that cures all diseases and has been used in the Indian and African continents for many years. Different parts of plants, namely flowers, leaves, seeds and bark, have been used to treat human diseases of acute and chronic type. It is used as an antibacterial, insecticide; antiviral, antimicrobial, larvicidal, antimalarial. The molecular bases of various diseases, including inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, are known to involve oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Currently, there is significant research into natural antioxidants, particularly for their protective effect against biological damage due to free radicals. Azadirachta indica, Siamese neem and A. Juss var or tree is an evergreen tree that belongs to the Meliaceae family. This plant is found throughout Thailand and has been used manymanners as conventional treatment. The flowers are used as a refresher and cure diseases like fever and nasal polyposis. Its stem bark is used to treat diarrhea and amoebic dysentery. Along with the flowers, the leaves are also used as a tonic element, to improve intestinal secretion, for the treatment of fever and as an insecticide. Additionally, in Thailand, the new flowers and leaves of the Siamese neem tree are commonly eaten as a cooked vegetable. The Siamese neem tree has been evaluated for its antioxidant activity and it may contribute to antioxidant activity at a high level. This herb exhibits free radical scavenging activity opposite to DPPH and ABTS radicals and can also stop lipid peroxidation of the cell line named Chago K-1 generated by Ulta Violet radiation. These mentioned reports indicate that the Siamese neem tree can be used as a health food. Thus, the aim of this research was to study the antioxidant property of aqueous extracts of Siamese neem leaves from various extraction and drying methods, including filtration, spray drying, and freeze-drying. Acacia nilotica commonly known as “keekar” family is Fabaceae-Mimosoideae. . The division and class are Magnolophyta and Magnolipsida, respectively. This herb was used to treat infections like fever, congestion, hemorrhoids, gallbladder, bleeding, colds, smallpox, and eye problems. Acacia bark is used for intestinal pain and to treat acute diarrhea. Other conditions are syphilitic ulcers, toothache and eye problems. Acacia roots are used to treat tuberculosis. This study carried out activities of ethanol extract of A. nilotica like antioxidant antigiardial activity (DPPH test) (Giardia lamblia) and achieved cytotoxicity using the MTT test. Medicinal plants are a vital source of natural resources that are safe to use, low-toxic, cheap, accessible, convenient and reliable medicines present throughout the world. Sudan used conventional herbal methods to heal its population and learned about the potential of local plants against disease. Acacia is known as “garad” in Sudan. The plant has yellow mimosa-like flowers and long gray pods squeeze between the seeds. They have dark bark and branches. They have hairy leaves. The flower is grown on plant between November and March. Acute diarrhea is treated by powdering the bark of the plant with less salt. Modern scientific developments possess pharmacological activities and economic feasibility. Plants containing chemical compounds are sweet, spicy and medicinal and exhibit antioxidant properties. Antioxidant compounds exhibit antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, antiinflammatory or anticarcinogenic activities. Crude extracts of vegetables, herbs, fruits and other plant materials rich in phenolic plant materials are increasing in the food industry because they slow the oxidative degradation of lipids and improve the nutritional value and quality of foods. Acacia nilotica is distributed in tropical and subtropical countries. to a large extent. Ayurvedic, a natural medicine that contributes to self-healing and good health, A. Nilotica can provide the nutrients and therapeutic ingredients to stop, alleviate or treat many diseases or conditions. The flowers, leaves and bark are used to treat tumors, colds and coughs, congestion,cancer, diarrhea, constipation, dysentery, fever, gallbladder, hemorrhoids, ophthalmia, sclerosis, smallpox, tuberculosis, leprosy, leukoderma and menstrual problems. is also known as Indian barberry, commonly 'chutro' or tree turmeric used to treat cuts and burns, belongs to the family Berberidaceae and the genus is Berberis. It produces juicy, tart berries that are generally considered a refreshing and energizing fruit. The shrub is found in Nepal and the Himalayas of India and the plant is also found in Bhutan and Sri Lanka as well as the hilly regions of India and Nepal. Indian barberry has been used as an Ayurvedic medicine. It has different antimicrobial properties (antifungal, antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidant). Indian barberry is used as a healing process for different eye, skin and inflammation infections, fever, ulcers, sores, wounds, dysentery, etc. It also prohibits conditions such as jaundice, heart failure, malarial fever and liver disease. Berberis aristata is used internally and externally in both directions. Researchers reported that B. aristata has anti-inflammatory properties that shut down inflammatory receptors and prevent active macrophage mediators. Macrophages, which are active and persistent inflammations, which are chronic, play an essential role in the disease process. It is used to cure inflammation successfully. The effective treatment for this is known as Berberine and Berberol which introduce insulin therapy for diabetic patients with minimal blood sugar control. Antidiarrheal, antispasmodic and antimalarial activities are also useful in plant formations with biodynamic composition. They benefit from important anti-tumor and anti-cancer treatments. Roots used to treat fever, ulcers, jaundice, etc. Its leaves are used to be chewed for the teeth which are affected for almost 10 to 15 minutes. Barberry trees which have different parts are used as a natural antioxidant and their extraction is very expensive and long process. This plant is a shrub with oval-shaped leaves, 3 m high, pointed, yellow wood and flowers bearing red fruits. An important medicinal plant also called 'daruharidra', found mainly in the Himalayas but found in other parts of the world. To cure skin diseases and jaundice, “Rashut” is an Ayurvedic product. This plant is an essential medicine for the treatment of liver and heart patients, causes of fever and stress and a laxative for the young. Berberine has been reported to exhibit inhibition of enzymatic, local anesthetic and antipyretic activities. At present, the clinical uses of berberine are diarrhea, intestinal parasitic infections, and ocular trachoma infection. Senna Alexandrina is commonly known as “Senna makki” plant and is found in North Africa and India, mainly used as a medicinal plant. Senna Alexandrina is an FDA-approved laxative. It is used to treat fecal impactions, acne, irritable bowel syndrome, skin infections, hemorrhoids and weight loss. The flowers and fruits bearing part of this plant are capable of causing excretion and providing treatment to people suffering from constipation, which is very beneficial for their health. It may also decrease inflammation in people with hemorrhoids. Senna..