
  • Essay / Polymer Component Manufacturing - 937

    Polymer Component ManufacturingThe outer casing is formed from polystyrene through the injection molding process. The process begins by mixing polymer granules with plastic agents and colorants. This mixture is then heated under an atmospheric pressure of 1000°C to liquefy the polymers so that they can then be injected into the cast mold via an injection piston. Before this process can take place, the two halves of the mold must be clamped together and attached to the injection molding machine. The mold is held together during injection by hydraulic clamps which exert high pressure ensuring that the injected polymer completely fills the mold and holds while filling the plastic resin. The polymer is injected into the mold very quickly under a high build-up of pressure, allowing the material to be packed and held in the mold. Torch end closures are also injection molded using this process, including internal and external threads, but this process takes more time than injection molding a standard hollow part. The polymer is then cooled by passing water through channels in the mold, which hardens the plastic so that the pressure can be released and the molds are separated. In order to demold the part, a mounting system must be attached to the back half of the mold, which can provide adequate force. This force is necessary due to the shrinkage of the part during cooling which causes it to adhere to the mold. Once the part is separated from the mold, any excess material, including that left in the mold feed channel, must be cut off using knives. The completed plastic part is then removed and used for finishing via several additional operations involving polishing...... middle of paper ...... h, resulting in minimal increase. ReferencesCustomPartNet. 2014. “Injection Molding,” accessed May 20, 2014. 2012. “Insight – How Push Button Switch Works,” accessed May 20, 2014. Media. 2014. “How Do Push Button Switches Work in an Electrical Circuit?” » Accessed May 20, 2014. Schueller. 2014. “How Products Are Made – Flashlights.” Accessed May 10, 2014. Qaraqe, Mahmuduk Alam, Maryam Manojahri. 2007. “Components of a Flashlight.” Accessed May 10, 2014.