
  • Essay / Essay on Single Parents - 1509

    A politician named Eleanor Roosevelt once proclaimed: “In the long run we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. Being a parent comes with a multitude of important responsibilities and duties, none more essential than providing financial support to your children. Under Ontario's Family Law Act, parents have a legal duty to financially support their children who are considered minors or who are enrolled in a full-time education program. In addition, it is necessary for parents to recognize that the duty to provide financial support to their child must be respected in all circumstances, including during a breakdown of the partnership, called divorce. To ensure equitable sharing of parenting responsibilities after divorce, the Ontario provincial government and the courts legislate a reasonable order for payment of child support that takes into account various financial factors for the parent who does not no longer has full custody of their child.Thesis (Central Argument with Main Points): While some parents have neglected an important obligation to financially support their children, the Family Responsibility Office has not aggressively enforced the laws on Ontario child support and, as a result, children and single parents are left unfairly suffering. a significantly lower quality of life. Significant consequences suffered by single mothers and children due to self-centered deadbeats include aspects such as living in a state of poverty as well as subjecting children to the negative sociological effects of abandonment. So it's essential for the Family Shelter... middle of paper... millions of dollars as of December 2009." With more than sixteen thousand complaints directed against the organization throughout the year, Marin described the Ontarians' main concern with the FRO is the employees' lack of due diligence and attention to detail. An example of a government organization's negligent approach was highlighted in the case of a single mother of three who was forced onto welfare due to lack of payments and discovered that the FRO had mistakenly erased a debt of more than $60,000 in favor of the children. child support owed by her ex-husband.Support Sentence:Due to a lack of persistence, Responsibility Family has failed to enforce complex child support cases, leaving single mothers to unfairly suffer the financial consequences created by bad payers. Additionally, the Ontario government is falling way behind