
  • Essay / The Human Body - 865

    The human body is an incredible system capable of operating a multitude of diverse thought functions as well as muscular actions. In addition to the body's ability to move and reason, the human body also includes the five senses involved in daily life and even at night. The body's ability to use its five senses, preserve its memories, and feel its emotions is a result of the fundamental elements of the body's behavior. The body uses these basic elements of behavior and even makes them seem noticeable and simple. However, the basic elements of behavior mixed and molded with neurons, which have a remarkable diversity of responses, come together to form a single and efficient system. - In the text by Feldman (2009), the book discusses the framework of the body's neural data system. these are the neurons. “Neurons, or nerve cells, are the basic building blocks of the nervous system. Their quantity is staggering: perhaps as many as 1 trillion neurons throughout the body are involved in controlling behavior” (p. 61). Each neuron is composed of dendrites, a cell body, an axon with a myelin sheath, and vesicles with neurotransmitters. The neuron accepts data from sensory receptors or chemical matches from neighboring neurons via its dendrites, which transmit the data to the cell body. The connections that pass through a neuron are electrical in nature. Additionally, the text gives examples of how the cell body triggers an impulse, called an action potential, along the axon. The impulse is projected and rushed on its path by the myelin sheath, which is a layer of fatty tissue that envelops the axon. All neurons recognize signals from many other neurons. There are two types of signals, one is excitatory, because... middle of paper ... the peripheral nervous system or PNS is one of the two central parts of the body's nervous system. “The peripheral nervous system starts from the spinal cord and the brain and reaches the extremities of the body. Made up of neurons with long axons and dendrites, the peripheral nervous system includes all parts of the nervous system other than the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system is divided into two parts called the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The peripheral nervous system behaves as an ally of the central nervous system. The part of the peripheral nervous system known as the somatic nervous system is made up of cranial nerves and spinal nerves. The nerves of the somatic nervous system supply the muscular system and external receptors; it is part of body control and allows movement (Feldman, 2009 p. 69-70).-