
  • Essay / Our Town by Thornton Wilder - 961

    "Do human beings ever realize life while they are living it, every minute?" Are humans ever capable of achieving life? Are they able to "...completely or correctly understand[?]" "Webb" Gibbs is only able to mutter this statement after opening his eyes to the truth. Emily's eyes didn't even open after her death. She was just able to see after a flashback and relive a special day from her past. She realizes what life is really like after observing all the hustle and bustle going on even on her 12th birthday. Thornton Wilder wrote Our Town to show the fall of Western society, that is, “organized religion”. Religion is highly valued in Grover's Corners. "...Over there is the Congregational church; across the street is the Presbyterian church. The Methodists and the Unitarians are over there. The Baptists are down in the 'holla on the edge of the river. The Catholic church is over there, beyond the railway tracks." Is this far from the reality shown in today's society? Organized religion is a major contributor to self-suffering, violence and ignorance. Religion, along with other tiny things, allows people to fall behind in life and miss out on what really matters. The citizens of Grover's Corners are ordinary people. They are no different from anyone trying to live a fulfilling life. The citizens are good-natured and mostly faithful to life. For the most part, they live faithful lives. However, when it comes to some lower members of their society; true deeds are shown.16 You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living creature.17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.18 The LORD is close to everyone who call on all those who call on him in truth. Does God satisfy every living being? What about Simon Stinson? Although he can now enjoy peace, his fate is satisfactory for everyone. It may be satisfactory for the citizens, but what about for himself? “God “satisfies the desire of every living being.” But in nature, few needs are satisfied and few desires are satisfied..