
  • Essay / Macbeth by Shakespeare - The character of Macbeth

    Character of Macbeth ShakespeareThe character of Macbeth is not easy to understand. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is hailed by many people as a hero when he defeated the Norwegians. The captain says: “Brave Macbeth.” When Duncan hears the news, he adds: “O valiant cousin” and “Noble Macbeth”. However, Macbeth finds himself tied to things that are not good. The three strange sisters said they would meet him. When the three strange sisters meet Macbeth and Banquo: “Hail to you, Macbeth! Hello, Thane of Glamis! », “Hail to you, Macbeth! Hello, Thane of Cawdor! », “Hail to you, Macbeth! Hello to you who will be king here afterwards. "Macbeth knows he is the Thane of Glamis but how can he be the Thane of Cawdor, the Thane of Cawdor leads a prosperous life and becoming king is simply unthinkable. This makes Macbeth think about what they mean At the beginning of the play, the audience hails Macbeth as a hero, but as he begins to think about the king's murder, the audience senses that he is not so heroic after all and begins to dislike him. We learn from Lady Macbeth, the person who knows him best, that he is too kind to kill anyone, especially the current king: "he is too full of the milk of human kindness," says Lady Macbeth. She then hatches a plan to kill Duncan while he stays with them. Duncan has arrived and dines. Macbeth leaves and decides not to murder Duncan. 'having killed Macbeth is not a born killer, Lady Macbeth must persuade him to assassinate the king he is at first reluctant to perform such an act: "We will go no further in this matter: " Macbeth says this because he thinks he could become king without killing the current king, it could just be fate. But then Lady Macbeth begins to persuade him and soon a chink forms in Macbeth's armor. Macbeth says, “If we fail,” which shows us that Macbeth has changed his mind once again, it shows us that he is very reluctant to murder Duncan. Once Duncan is asleep and Macbeth is alone, he sees a dagger in front of him..