
  • Essay / Reduce, Recycle and Reuse - 589

    If you're considering turning over a "greener" leaf, you may want to consider John Steinbeck's wise observation: "The mountains of things we throw away are far greater than the things we throw away. "Every year, Americans dump 250 million tons of trash, enough to cover the entire state of Texas – twice. Illegally dumped trash can end up in a variety of places, but the biggest places we know of are at the bottom of the ocean. Oceanographers have located five patches of trash in the ocean, the largest estimated at 3.5 million tons of trash, twice the size of the United States. You've probably thought about these facts and are wondering how you can help. One of the great things to know is that you can start small and identify small changes you can make to reduce, recycle. and reuse. If everyone participated, even the smallest change would have a huge impact.ReduceThe first step is to reduce. Forget the plastic stirrer and instead add...