
  • Essay / Teenage Pregnancy: Understanding Causes and Prevention

    Teenage pregnancy is a major problem these days. They don't realize the consequences and, just for fun, they find themselves either pregnant or forced to take care of a very young child. Teenage pregnancy involves thinking about abortion, its consequences such as medical problems, and how to continue living your life. Being a pregnant teenager means involving yourself in many consequences. We don't realize how difficult it is at our young ages to raise and be responsible for another human being rather than ourselves. We don't realize how many teenagers are pregnant until we see all the different rates. Prices differ depending on ages and all ethnicities. Including girls under fifteen who become pregnant. Imagine that a member of your family is going through a teenage pregnancy. Honestly, it's not the best thing to experience. All these girls really need is support from their family members. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Teen pregnancy rates are not what we expect. Although it crosses different ethnicities, one of the highest is Hispanic. This is a common situation these days and it is one of the most important things. According to HHS GOV, only in Texas do Hispanics have the highest teen pregnancy rates, at “65 percent.” Hispanics have the highest teen pregnancy rate in the entire United States. According to the Office of Adolescent Health, Hispanics lead the state of Texas with the highest number of teen pregnancies. Texas is ranked 5th out of the 51 states in the United States. Teen pregnancies are more common than you think. It has become a local problem as many young girls still in high school become pregnant and sometimes do not even complete their studies. Teen pregnancies are more common than you think. It went from a small thing to a big thing. Teenagers don't realize this is a problem. They only see the fun side of it. They do not see the consequences of this situation. The number of children having children has increased significantly in recent times. It has always been a major problem that teenage girls have babies at a very young age and don't know what to do from there. In El Paso, the idea of ​​teen pregnancy is more common than in other cities. The reason is that the number of Hispanics and Hispanics are considered to lead in teen pregnancies. Moms are responsible for being educated, but being a teenage mother makes all of that more complicated. Teenage mothers have complicated lives because they themselves are still learning and now they also have the responsibility of another human being. Many of these teenagers decide to drop out of school simply to become a full-time mother. Honestly, it's not good because they don't complete their studies as it is. Education is also an important decision they have to make. Teenage mothers have a lot of decisions to make. Many adolescents believe that the solution to getting out of pregnancy is abortion. The reason is that either they simply cannot take the responsibility of taking care of the child, or their parents do not let them keep the child, and even in situations involving incidents of rape, they simply prefer to abort . THEAbortions play an important role in the management of adolescent pregnancy, as they are always among the possible choices. Adolescents believe that termination of pregnancy is the solution to this problem. “It’s a decision that’s usually made in panic and fear,” Taylor said. Teenagers don't think they do it like that. Abortions do not happen in a simple clinic. There are special clinics for abortions and there aren't many of them, so there aren't any anywhere. Las Cruces opened an abortion clinic in 2014. Girls now no longer need to travel for abortions like before. “The clinic will be the second clinic in Dona Ana County to provide abortions.” There are not many clinics that offer abortion. The solution for teenagers is always abortion and there are few clinics in which to obtain abortions. Texas lawmakers want to close one of these abortion clinics. In the state of Texas, teenagers do not need parental permission to have an abortion. This makes it much easier for teenage girls who don't want their parents to find out about their pregnancy. In Texas, all they need is court approval. Lately, many abortion clinics have closed their doors. “Recent state laws have forced dozens of clinics to close and left some areas with no place for women to go.” Closing Bypass will make things more complicated for girls who want to have an abortion. Texas now has a striker law, meaning teens will more likely need parental permission to terminate their pregnancies. Abortion has had a huge impact on the lives of pregnant teenagers. Many don't currently do so, but there are programs to prevent teen pregnancies. In these programs, they are encouraged to become better people and do the right things. They can start in a children's program as soon as possible with a parent's permission. Teen programs are very beneficial. Helps them understand the consequences they can also cause. Like any other program, a program to prevent teenage pregnancies is expensive. “Last week, the Trump administration cut more than $200 million from teen pregnancy prevention programs and research across the country. This came as a surprise to many recipients of these grants, including many here in Texas, where teen pregnancy is a big problem. This makes things more complicated, because the programs need this money to be able to function as a whole. Not only are these programs beneficial, they are definitely worth it. Teenage pregnancy is a major problem today. Motherhood is not as easy as it seems. The first time as a mother is really complicated. Even more complicated when you are a teenage mother. Being a mother means devoting a lot of attention and time to your baby, while having enough time to take care of your own. As a teen mom, you need to include your education and maybe a job to get everything you need for the baby. Dealing with teenage pregnancy is not easy and few are able to do it. Either they're terrified of doing it, or they just can't handle it with everything going on. Pregnancy is a difficult situation to manage because it is not easy to take care of a child. Children are expensive to begin with. Not everything they need is cheap. THE. »/56276911.