
  • Essay / nnn - 679

    I would like to focus on the ethical aspect of my counterpart. Indeed, before the negotiation, I thought that the ethical point was going to be very important in this negotiation since I was supposed to negotiate with someone from the government, a representative of the people. However, just after a few seconds he explained his goals to me and then said he didn't care about electricity, he just needed help to win the election. Then he asked me for money to finance his boss's campaign. This point was very far from my expectations because I thought that we were going to negotiate ethically, respecting ethical behavior. Asking myself this question, I felt great fear about the honesty of my interlocutor and I therefore did not really feel comfortable negotiating with him because his objective was very different from mine. We eventually reached an agreement, but I may have given up on that negotiation. From my perspective, successful negotiation occurs when both parties benefit from the outcome of the negotiation. This means that on the one hand, the parties could reach an agreement and then decide to work together to improve their situation. On the other hand, this also means that both parties risk not reaching an agreement and then choosing their BATNA. To me, success is not about agreeing, but about getting the best choice among different options. In this case, I think I was successful because I managed to get a deal with a profit above 5% (8% in this case). I will therefore have larger bonuses and also rewards from my boss since I am above 5% profit. In addition, I managed to have 100% American managers in concession to 100% Tipalese workers. This is the second achievement in this matter in relation to my "best" goals. While I had found my alternative solution... middle of paper... or have sufficient electrical capacity in case of huge population growth and/or economic boom, but he didn't mind. As a result, I accepted the smaller site. This negotiation was actually similar to Cartoon's because we both have different cultural backgrounds. Then, this influences the way we negotiate. While corruption is an "impossibility" in my American business, it doesn't bother Tipal's government officials. However, this negotiation was totally different from the others because our objectives were completely different. My counterpart was looking for funds for his boss's campaign while I was looking for a buyer for my dam projects. In such a case, it is difficult to negotiate because we are not looking for the same things. Thus, we must communicate effectively to understand the other party's will and then be creative in order to offer the best solution regarding the interests of both parties..