
  • Essay / The Great Gatsby - 730

    The Great Gatsby is a book about the American dream and how it is dying, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The book follows Nick Carraway, a young man out of college, and his keen observations of how the Great American Dream affects his friend Gatsby. Throughout the book, Gatsby follows the American dream through his old love and new money, only to see that same dream become his demise. Gatsby is this extraordinary figure who perfectly represents the great dying American dream. Gatsby had a relationship with Daisy years before he married Tom. This relationship failed because Gatsby did not believe he had achieved the other parts of the American dream. He didn't think he was good enough for Daisy. Later, once Gatsby obtains his wealth, he will feel that he can return to Daisy. “He stretched his arms curiously toward the dark water, and as far away as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily, I glanced out to sea and saw nothing except a single green light, tiny and distant, which might have been the end of a quay. past and no matter how far he reaches, he will never be able to get it back. It's like the American dream, it's a thing of the past. Daisy and Gatsby's relationship was never meant to last. Later, when Daisy and Gatsby are together, part of his dream fades. In chapter 5 it is written: “Perhaps it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of this light had now disappeared forever. » Here Gatsby realizes how close he is to his great American dream. Gatsby also thinks that he can use material things to convince Daisy. As they walked around the house, Gatsby was only focused... middle of paper ... he didn't realize that it would never happen. The same dream that sparked James Gatz ended up becoming the same spark created by the gun that killed him. Gatsby attempts to recreate the American dream throughout the book by using old love and new money to achieve his end goal, which ultimately dooms him. The American dream was a thing of the past, just like Gatsby's dreams. His love for Daisy blinds him from the invincible dreams he has in his head. Gatsby achieved his dream too late and became a prime example of why the American dream no longer existed. Gatsby's death also shows that America is moving, Nick was the only one there, the only one who really cared. America is a nation on the rise and it won't stop for anyone, not even The Great Gatsby. Works Cited Fitzgerald, Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2004.