
  • Essay / Ophelia: harshly criticized - 1029

    Hamlet, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in the 16th century, has been the subject of evaluation for centuries. Each character has been broken down and analyzed. The psychology of each character was examined. Each relationship was investigated to find more answers around the room. Harold Bloom and Sigmund Freud studied it extensively. The researchers dissected all parts of the piece. A character who has recently been increasingly analyzed is Ophelia. She was defended by feminists and criticized by those who thought she was crazy. In their article and revisions, “Representing Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism,” from Shakespeare and the Question of Theory, edited by Patricia Parker and Geoffrey Hartman, the authors, as feminist critics, defend Ophelia and criticize the way she is treated and undermined as a minor character. Ophelia's role in the play Hamlet is underrated and overcritical due to her psychosis developed following her rejection by Hamlet. However, the role of Ophelia is more than just sexual excitement for Hamlet and psychosis for psychiatrists and specifically male critics to examine. Scholars and critics throughout history have made Ophelia an “insignificant minor character” (Elaine Showalter). She lives in Hamlet's shadow. Shakespeare told Hamlet a story while the reader has no idea what Ophelia's past is. Lee Edwards, a feminist critic, "concludes that it is impossible to reconstruct Ophelia's biography from the text: 'We can imagine the character.' She is always shown as dependent on men, especially Hamlet. The reader knows nothing about her, except the preliminary unfolding of her love affair with Hamlet which is known only to a few...... middle of paper...... the unit to make decisions for itself rather than being subject to the decisions of the men in its life. Ophelia is the representation of the inferiority of women compared to men. Even though women should have equal rights, this is how they are represented. In their feminist approach, the writers defend Ophelia and believe that her role is underestimated and undermined as a minor character. Works Cited by Elaine Showalter (essay date 1985)" Shakespearean Criticism Ed. Michelle Lee. Vol. 59. Gale Cengage 2001 April 3, 2014 essays/hamlet-vol-59#critical-essays-hamlet-vol-59-criticism-gender-issues-elaine-showalter-essay-date-1985Leverenz, David. “The woman in Hamlet: an interpersonal vision” Signs: Journal. Women in Culture and Society 4.2 (1978): 291. Print Shakespeare, William and Harold Jenkins London: Methuen., 1982..