
  • Essay / Analyzing Race: The Power of an Illusion - 1129

    For example, the Asian American population has, on average, the highest level of education and the highest income of all breeds. For this reason, the racial discrimination that this group has faced throughout history is overlooked. However, the manifestation of this inequality can be observed by Asian communities still present in the United States, such as Chinatown in San Francisco. These communities emerged after white people brutally attacked and killed Asians because they felt Asians were stealing their jobs and undercutting their wages, driving Asians out of cities and forcing them to rely on each other and on each other. their own businesses to survive (Croteau and Hoynes, 2013). ). Additionally, because Asians were not considered qualified for U.S. citizenship for most of history, they are still often considered foreigners today. Another example of inequality today can be seen through real estate and the wealth gap between whites and minority groups. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 ended discrimination against non-whites in housing, but racial inequities remain. When white neighborhoods began to integrate non-whites, whites sold their homes after their real estate agents made them fear that their homes would lose value. Realtors bought white homes for less than they were worth and sold them to non-whites at inflated rates, a process known as "blockbusting." ».”.