
  • Essay / Maori myth, "The cycle of creation" - 650

    The Maori myth is a Polynesian story about the creation of the universe which, according to Rosenberg, was different from other creation myths because it begins with nothing and then progresses through a process of “non-being to the thought of the creation of the universe and of human beings” (351). Although it may be different because it goes from "non-being to thought" instead of nothingness to a word or action, it has many similarities to other creation myths in the way it explains the origins of the gods and how each represents a natural event. or aspect of nature and humanity. The myth begins with an "idea" that "was remembered" then "became conscious" and then "a desire to create", all of which created a "power to live and grow, even in emptiness" (352). . At this point there was still no being, only thought and desire, which gives the idea that what is being addressed are the human attributes of feeling, sensation, desire and thought. , this is where this story is different from other creation myths. These human attributes bring into being Mother Earth and Father Sky in the form of Father Rangi and Mother Papa who were united in eternal darkness by their love for each other. This aspect is similar to other myths in that the original male and female gods unite to make the earth and sky and their offspring aspects of time, seasons of the year and various forms of plant and animal life that ultimately support the lives of the humans that once were. created by the children of the original beings. Another similarity this myth has with others is a flood story where Rangi's tears flood the earth and create the rivers and seas because he was forcibly separated from Papa in order to bring light to the earth. The cha.... . middle of paper......on the island even though it had been underwater for a long time. In conclusion, I must say that this creation myth is both similar and different from all other existing myths. It is like others in the way it explains natural events related to time, life, death and creation by relating their origins to divine images and aspects. It is different in how creation arose from thought and desire and caused feelings, then came earth, sky, water, and finally plant, animal, and human life. It also gives a history of the Maori people and why they haven't all lived in the same place throughout history, it gives the idea that they moved around and crossed the seas to create other homelands and communities of people. Works Cited Rosenburg, Donna. World Mythology: An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics. Third edition. Chicago: NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group, Inc., 1999. Text.