
  • Essay / What I Learned From 100 Rejections

    Thesis: Rejection is not something to fear, but rather, accepting obstacles will bring you many opportunities or rewards. Supporting Arguments: As a personal account, Jiang was able to give several examples of how his behavior in the face of rejections, and ultimately his personality and identity, changed each time he encountered obstacles. For example, during his first big encounter of rejection at the age of six. Due to the trauma created then, making him very shy and weak. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay This led him to try to avoid any situation that could have led to a better outcome or opportunity, such as when he could have requested an alternative or different way of obtaining funding for his company he created at the age of thirty. However, through the “100 rejections” method, he was able to overcome the problem of self-confidence and experiment with ways in which he could get what he wanted. The first challenge consisted of Jiang asking someone if he could borrow a hundred dollars. Although he ran away from the situation, the video he filmed helped him understand what the problem was and solve it. Another instance he narrated was on the second day, where he asked for a hamburger refill. He was able to use what he learned from the first video to stand firm and resist his fear, ultimately achieving a positive outcome. The third argument he used was when a donut maker was willing to do whatever he wanted. These are three of the many examples he used to tell the story of how he was able to overcome the fear of rejection, by watching himself encounter them one after another and making improvements. So, he has gotten to the point where he is able to speak to an audience about it and help those who wish to learn. Literary Devices: Literary devices used included verbal irony, hyperbole, and metaphor, among others. Verbal irony was used several times. For example, Jiang said, "What a wonderful idea, isn't it?" What could go wrong? » regarding the team-building exercise at the age of six. This added to the humorous tone he had chosen, lightening the mood from the start, making him and his message more interesting and likeable. Hyperbole was used when he said: "It was the longest walk of my life." » This helps the audience empathize with Jiang and understand how he must have felt regarding rejection and how it truly took a toll on his personal development. Metaphors were also used. For example, Jiang said, “I looked like that kid in The Sixth Sense. I saw dead people. He used metaphors as a visualization tool. In this case, the metaphor allows the audience to visualize what Jiang must have looked like when he was rejected by the security guard, without watching the video themselves. Tone: The tone Jiang chooses is humorous. There are many benefits to using this tone: it puts the audience at ease, creates a more personal connection, keeps the audience interested, makes key points more memorable, and/or lightens the mood. For some, facing rejection can be a very serious matter, as it affects self-confidence and image. A humorous tone helps to calm the whole atmosphere and makes it easier to touch the hearts of many people. For these reasons, Jiang was right to use a humorous tone for his speech. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a personalized item now.