
  • Essay / Public Health - 1960

    A key factor to which the UK's population growth can be attributed is advances in medicine and greater understanding of the causes of disease and premature death. The transition in public health has gone through three important phases: the industrial revolution, the therapeutic revolution and the new public health. By analyzing and evaluating public health conditions, services, and advances, this essay will review contributions to current public health strategies and services. During the Industrial Revolution, John Snow, a British physician, made a major breakthrough in his field of epidemiology. . In 1854, he traced over 10,000 cases of cholera deaths in London. Snow proved the previous miasma theory wrong when his investigations discovered that they were in fact waterborne. His map showed that there was a concentration of deaths centered on a particular water pump in "Broad Street", which was supplied with contaminated water from a section of the Thames. He ordered the pump handle to be changed to ensure all germs had been destroyed. Subsequently, cases of cholera declined and Snow began educating the public on how to avoid cholera germs. Rejecting Snow's germ theory, a supporter of the poor law – Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890) set out to prove that poor living conditions, including poor sanitation caused certain diseases like cholera. It was his research and his appointment as director of public health that gave birth to the first public health law aimed at carrying out a major reform in favor of the prevention of public health problems. His proposal to improve drainage and water supply contributed to the UK's excellent standard of sanitation...... middle of paper ...... on this point, can report the concern of local authorities, which often results in wasted time and money. being spent in other areas. Holding investigations, legal battles and compensation costs the NHS millions. However, some government figures are working to get the public to try to reduce the risk of disease by advising and improving standards; they also have the legal authority to prosecute and enforce the law on factors detrimental to public health and mortality. The Environmental Health Officer works within local authorities and is responsible for investigating all complaints and incidents relating to issues such as: pollution (waste and noise); food poisoning; work accidents. They carry out quality checks and ensure that inspections avoid any crisis. The Health and Safety Manager (HSE):