
  • Essay / The effects of video games: today they are much more than entertainment

    Whether parents like it or not, video games have become a major importance in the lives of many adolescents. The reputation of video games has sparked an ongoing public debate regarding the effect of video games on adolescent behavior. Much of the interest in this debate has focused on the poor outcomes of video games linked to addiction, aggression, delinquent behavior (APA.Org), and reduced performance in tutorials. The controversy surrounding this debate requires further discussion to determine whether or not video games affect adolescents. So let's find out what the positive and negative effects of video games are. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Contrary to popular belief, most published research has proven that playing video games no longer has a negative effect on adolescents.Christopher Ferguson and Cheryl Olson, in their study, concluded that playing video games Video games do not increase behavioral aggression and societal violence among adolescents. Indeed, their results reveal that video games have a “moderate calming and cathartic effect on young adults with pre-existing intellectual health problems such as attention deficit or depressive symptoms”. Regarding the influence of social aspects, Dr. Olson says that playing video games is a social movement, in that adolescents are likely to play computer games with friends or on the web. Additionally, a few studies show that computer games provide a springboard for enhancing learning and activity to improve visual and spatial abilities. Computer games have also been used to show how to take care of oneself, improve physical abilities and psychologically. While most research in this area has focused on action games, recent studies prove that different types of video games can also improve certain cognitive functions. In particular, while action video games require you to think quickly about a few distinct elements of the land and wait for players to react quickly to avoid losing, another type of computer games, real-time strategy (RTS ), places emphasis on maintenance. of several things at once Using a procedure like those used in RTS Glass game exams, Maddox and Love (2013) demonstrated that forty hours of preparation on an RTS game resulted in a large increase in cognitive flexibility (including task switching and memory work).Since video games bring huge improvements to primary processing abilities, researchers have tried to use these video games for realistic applications, which is true for retraining people suffer from amblyopia (called “lazy eye”). Amblyopia usually develops from vision problems in early adolescence (for example, from a strabismus where the two eyes are not properly aligned) or cataracts (where the lens of one eye becomes disorder). Since the brain expects the eyes to collect constant data, while an eye does not, the mind essentially learns to "forget" the information coming from the terrible eye. severely, "ophthalmologists generally consider this to be generally irreversible after a critical factor at some stage in early life", given that action gaming has proven success in improving vision in normal adults , doctors and their colleaguestested the same type of training in amblyopic adults. Researchers asked patients who, at pre-test, had a horrible eye, to play an action game or another type of game for 40 hours with their horrible eye and an eye patch worn over the better eye . At several points during training, individuals performed several tests of visual controls such as measures of visible accuracy, visible attention, and stereoacuity. Visible accuracy for testers in the action game group improved dramatically: a few of their views became completely normal at 20/20 or higher! To decide whether the consequences were due to the better eye patch, all other tester organizations wore a patch when engaging in activities such as reading, knitting, and watching television. However, after twenty hours of wearing the patch there was no improvement in the accuracy of this research proving that the benefits were certainly due to the effect of video games in the cognitive domain, video games became a powerful means of cognitive prevention. decline observed with normal aging and perhaps even to reduce the risks of Alzheimer's disease and comparable disorders by ensuring that players remain mentally healthy. Many studies show that online gaming could have a fantastic effect on older people. Playing a custom-designed online action game can improve skills as well as information processing and attention span. A group of 60 to 85 year olds participated in multitasking and cognitive activities. They had better results against those who never played games. Studies of online gaming training have documented improvements due to “older adults being able to learn perceptual, careful, and cognitive skills.” All studies show that older contributors also had higher self-esteem and improved cognitive improvements following online gaming education. It also appears that children with dyslexia benefit from video game training for action. While researchers generally view dyslexia (a general term for age-inappropriate reading ability not explained by problems with basic intelligence) as being exclusively related to language-specific problems. Recent studies suggest that some of the impairments may involve visual attention, at least in some children (because vision is essentially the "front end" that provides information to the language system when reading). A recent study compared the reading, phonological and attention skills of two groups of matched dyslexics after training with an action or no-action video game for twelve hours. Action game training resulted in improvements over the no-action game control group for all abilities measured. These improvementsKeep in mind: This is just a sample.Get a personalized article now from our expert writers.Get a personalized essayVideo games have evolved over the past half-century to become learning tools effective. In addition to promoting incredible time on task, games also use a number of techniques known to promote effective and transferable learning. Although some researchers are concerned about the potential negative consequences of gaming, others see very clearly that video game training creates a large number of positive consequences. A growing body of research shows that certain types of games, particularly action video games, promote improvement in a wide variety of.