
  • Essay / Antisocial Personality Disorder - 644

    Antisocial personality disorder is a personality disorder that affects one in twenty-five people in America, commonly known as sociopaths. These people are characterized by disregard for social norms and indifference to feelings. of others. These people fall into the two extremes of American society, either scoundrels and failures or powerful and wealthy individuals, but they are rarely in the "hard working" or middle class section. Sociopaths have inherent traits including: being manipulative, insensitivity, deception, hostility, risk taking, impulsiveness, irresponsibility. They have very inflated egos and will lie and cheat, simply because they feel no remorse, shame or guilt. Their emotions are superficial and their decisions logical, and with all these factors taken into account, their roles in society are usually either those who cannot find or keep a job, or in high management positions, or in other rich jobs. Sociopathy has been considered universal and timeless, but interestingly, it is more prevalent in some cultures than others. In Taiwan, studies show that the percentage of people suffering from antisocial personality disorder ranges from 0.03 to 0.14 percent, compared to the United States which has an average of about 4 percent (or a person in twenty-five). The popular belief proposed by Robert Hare is that the United States allows, assists, and even promotes certain traits of sociopathy. Another way of expressing this theory was that innocent manipulation of others blends more with social expectations than in China or other more group-centered societies. But that begs the question: if we have so many... middle of paper ... there are few better environments for sociopaths, with fake personas, fake emotions, being admired, publicized, Hollywood may be one -be one. one of the largest breeding grounds for sociopaths in America. I believe one of the best examples of sociopathy in Hollywood, although not officially diagnosed, would be Charlie Sheen, he has almost all the symptoms: drug use, domestic violence, repeated cheating, feelings of superiority over everyone, failed relationships, aggravations, trouble with the law, Charlie Sheen, although not currently diagnosed as a sociopath, is one of the best examples of sociopaths in America. There is no cure for antisocial personality disorder, it is simply a reality that we face in modern American society, and although these people function differently, and sometimes dangerously in today's society today, they have become a powerful and integrated part of American society..