
  • Essay / Morality of actions in "As I Lay Dying"

    As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner is a novel about a family who travel to Jefferson, a town in Mississippi, to fulfill their deceased mother's wish to be there be buried. The long journey reveals the true character and motivations of each family member. Along the way, several members commit altruistic acts and reveal their altruistic side, while others commit selfish acts triggered by purely personal motivations. Faulkner's style and storytelling are very insightful and often lead the reader to contemplate the true character of each family member. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get the original essayIn William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, he depicts characters who are guided by actions for their own benefit, for the benefit of others , and actions whose causes or justifications are unknown. . The most selfish character in the novel is undoubtedly Anse, the father of the Bundren family and wife of Addie. Anse presents himself as an unintelligent, greedy and indifferent character throughout the journey. Anse is more concerned with disturbing his children and what they are doing rather than spending time comforting his wife during her final minutes. Anse uses Addie's wish to go to Jefferson to fulfill a motive of his own: to buy a new set of teeth. During the trip, Anse repeatedly mentions his new teeth and appears indifferent to the fact that his wife has just died and that they are going to bury her. “But I wonder if he doesn't take curious ways of showing it, it seems. But now I can give them teeth. It will be a comfort. It will be." (Faulker 111) When Cash, one of Anse's sons, breaks his leg, Anse is too cheap to hire a doctor, so he pours cement on his leg to form a cast. Anse steals also Cash's money while he was unconscious from the pain of his injury Additionally, he forces another of his sons, Jewel, to sell his beloved horse to pay for the families' trip, as Anse. is too broke and stubborn to find a job, Dewey Dell, the only daughter, undertakes several actions for her sole benefit. Dewey's motive is to buy "something" to arrange her abortion for Elle. Also fails to show love towards her mother and her family, focusing her efforts on this motive. Dewey hates being blamed for her actions and does not even recognize her own pregnancy as her own fault. Jefferson's pharmacist, he tells her that if she sleeps with him, he will give her something to stop her abortion. She happily accepts the deal, while her younger brother Vardaman waits for her outside. At the very end of the novel, when her brother Darl is the only one to know of her pregnancy, she attacks him and finally sends him to a psychiatric establishment. "Dewey Dell once again preoccupies himself with thoughts of her potential pregnancy, calling himself a "little tub of guts." (Murder) Addie Bundren, the mother and character around whom the novel is centered, also shows up as a character Self-centered Addie's life is filled with sorrow and loneliness, and she thinks that having children will fundamentally give her meaning. However, Jewel and Dewey Dell are the only two of her children who she cares about and cares about. gave her happiness. “She looks at Dad; her whole failed life seems to flow into her eyes, urgent, irremediable” (Faulkner 47) The rest she sees as failures and meaningless births. I knew I had Cash, I knew living was terrible and that was the answer." (Faulker 171) Although Addie died, sherecounts several chapters and even admits that Anse was "dead to her" even though they were still married for ten years. Through her actions and statements, we see that Addie is completely self-centered and depressed. mother, and also a bad wife. Despite the novel's selfish characters and actions, several also demonstrate selfless devotion to their families.Cash can undoubtedly be considered the most virtuous character in the entire book. (Padgett) At the beginning of As I Lay Dying, he builds a coffin for his mother in the rain while the rest of his family is inside. Throughout the journey, he shows compassion towards his mother and family, especially his younger brother Vardaman. He continues to comfort him and explain the families' situation, particularly what Addie's death means. When the family crosses a river, the cart falls and the coffin flies away. Cash manages to save him while breaking his leg again. He was in great pain and his family made a makeshift cement cast to try to help him, although he later had to have his leg amputated due to an infection. Throughout the journey, even in the most difficult and painful moments, he remains silent and never complains. His main goal is always his mother's wish and the good of the family. Cash is an extremely selfless character, as demonstrated by his actions and attitude in the novel. Another character who shows selflessness is Darl. Darl comes across as a misfit in the family and tends to have a completely different attitude and thought process. He is intelligent and gets along well with others for the most part, but sometimes his strange way of thinking and interacting ultimately decides his fate. (Faulker's) He is very loyal throughout the journey and shows his devotion to his family and his mother. While the family is staying in a barn, Darl decides to burn it down in an attempt to bury his mother there. Darl thinks it's what's best for her at the time and he's actually doing it out of love for her. The coffin is saved and his plan fails. Later, the city police arrest him and his sister attacks him because he knows she is pregnant. Darl knew about her pregnancy from the beginning and didn't tell anyone, but his sister still attacked him in the end. Along with Cash and Darl, Jewel also shows her love and selflessness throughout the novel. Jewel remains silent for much of the novel, unlike her brother Darl. We see Jewel's true character when he sells his beloved horse for his mother's funeral. Her father is too cheap to work or earn money, and Jewel sacrifices much of himself for her mother. He also protects Addie's coffin along the way and ensures her safety in Jefferson. Jewel also searches for Cash's tools that fell in the river out of love and respect. (Dudek) It wasn't really necessary, but Jewel knew they were precious to Cash and wanted to make her brother happy. Later, Jewel believes that a man has insulted her family and he almost starts fighting to defend them. Jewel's actions of bravery and selflessness show her true good character throughout the journey. In addition to the story's many self-centered or altruistic actions, there are several characters whose true motivations are unknown or difficult to find. Vardaman is a good example. Vardaman is a confused and misguided young boy whose exact age is not given. Vardaman's inability to understand is proven by two main actions during the journey. First, he punches holes in his mother's coffin to allow her to breathe. Vardaman does not understand the principle of death. Then he grabs a.