
  • Essay / Leading the Body of Christ - 1000

    Why? Why is the Body of Christ in the state it is in? It’s because of the seeds she sowed. As I read the book “The Unstoppable Force: Dare to Be the Church God Had In Mind” by Erwin MacManus, I am compelled to look at the current state of the Church and ask myself the question I pose to you. Is the Church as a whole in the state that God so desires it to be in? Are we the body He wants us to be? Are we doing what the Church is designed and called to do? Are we thinking as the Lord has asked us to think? These are questions that crossed my mind while reading this book. It is very dangerous to learn everything we can without applying what we learn. The apostle James taught us to not only listen, but also to act. Mark 16 and Matthew 28 give us Jesus' declaration of what we call the great commission. The great commission is accomplishing the work He has given us to do. We must analyze ourselves and ask ourselves the question: are we doing what we know how to do? If not, why? My mentor Curry Blake once said, “If your knowledge far exceeds your actions, you are going backwards.” The question now is how “The Unstoppable Force” translates into application. The resulting lessons should convince us to align our behavior with our knowledge. Is it possible to put into practice what we learn in this book? In the next few pages I will give a very brief overview of some of the principles that I believe need to be transferred from the realm of knowledge to the realm of application, as well as advice on how to move from thinking to the action. As we begin to look at the process of momentum and change, I must encourage you to stop living in the past and start thinking about your future. Your future will be limited...... middle of paper ...... l 2) Create intimacy within community 3) create intimacy between people and God 4) Focus on being more only on action, and 5) think big. Let your imagination run wild. Be creative in your community's dreams. As changes and momentum occur in individual lives and in the body as a whole, periodic assessments must also be made. These assessments are designed to energize future possibilities and incorporate more changes into the ever-evolving ministry. As we continue to grow, we must also continue to prune our efforts. Always take ongoing action steps for change. Overall, this book encourages us to think big and take action steps to create an environment of change for others. The Leader is the one who can do it. It takes the right heart and appropriate action steps. Application is essential if we are to grow into the perfect image of Christ..