
  • Essay / Peer Writing Conferences - 2325

    A high school publications course offers a real-world group learning activity that few other classes replicate. Students work in teams to create a newspaper, directory, website or broadcast. Although individual assignments are important, the class must come together to ensure that all work is done, done well, and put together as a whole. I want to see if teaching students to participate in peer writing conferences would help them become better writers and team members because they would practice both their writing skills and their social skills by giving and receiving comments. However, after some initial difficulty asking my students to give short, vague, grammar-focused writing conferences, I want to know if writing conferences, especially peer-to-peer writing conferences, are useful and how I can improve the comments students make to each other. conferencesI am interested in the dialogues that can take place when two people discuss writing. I've been experimenting with teacher-student writing conferences since reading Teaching Writing to Adolescents by Kelly Gallagher, where he explains that students are more likely to pay attention to conferences with a teacher than to written comments on a document . The conference is a meeting between a teacher and a student to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a student's writing (Walker & Elias, 1987). Walker and Elias found that writing conferences tend to receive higher ratings from students when the instructor and student can evaluate the student's work together, rather than when the instructor takes over and discusses what he thinks the document should be about. most effective the middle of an article......when discussing writing with their peers. Conclusion Peer writing conferences are important because they provide a way for students to receive in-depth feedback on their writing, as well as practice writing. skills in evaluating the writing of others. However, even the strongest writers do not know how to give effective writing conferences, and when students are not accustomed to writing conferences and/or do not receive instruction on how to give them , the lectures are short, vague and can become off-topic. Teachers can increase the effectiveness of peer writing conferences by using scaffolding strategies such as modeling feedback, discussing writing in a large group, and using different techniques to structure small discussions. groups. With guidance and practice, the teacher should be able to step back from these discussions as student voices take over..