
  • Essay / Censorship and dehumanization in "V for Vendetta" and "Brave New World"

    The government's control over its citizens is important to the regime and it is this domination over its people that leaves little room for restoration. question of authority, but rather to conform to the ideologies of the regime. This is depicted in V for Vendetta by James McTeigue and in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The film and novel show significant aspects of how both governments use censorship by conditioning citizens and being cruel where society uses dehumanization as a means of control. Say no to plagiarism. Get Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essayThe government is determined to create a stable and ideal society, however, the distinction between citizens is censored by the government, which results in a totalitarian regime. This illustrates the negative influence that a controlling government has on people. To prevent it, citizens must rebel against authority and unite. The government censors the community perspective and affects their social status. In both works, the governments in power negatively impact the people by strengthening laws and restrictions on society, making it an ideal society. This is seen in Brave New World when the director says: “the secret of happiness and virtue, what you must do. All conditioning aims at this: to make people love their inevitable social destiny.” The director emphasizes how the World State exercises superior authority over all members of society. This illustrates that caste members of the community are “conditioned” from a young age and are tasked with carrying out daily tasks to create an ideal society. Regardless of what a human being is capable of, the World State aims to ensure that "people love their inescapable social destiny", meaning that their rights and freedoms in society are curtailed, but they are conditioned to feel happy. In contrast, in V for Vendetta, the government also censors the community's views and affects their social status. This is evident in the film when V mentions "cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression." And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you please, now you have surveillance systems that coerce your compliance.” The government ultimately showed the use of totalitarian rule as one aspect of citizen governance. The use of "cruelty and injustice" on the part of the controlling government is described, meaning that injustice and savagery is shown towards citizens, which "oppresses" them from expressing their feelings in society. These two controlling governments are both different because of the way censorship is used against society. The government of Brave New World uses a method of "conditioning" to make people "love their inescapable destiny", meaning that citizens complete the desired task requested by the government. However, in V for Vendetta, the use of "cruelty and injustice" is used to make citizens carry out their tasks according to society's instructions by the government. Ultimately, the way each government maintains control over its citizens differs, but the goal is the same. Through the oppression of their citizens, they can achieve greater power. The government also has a negative impact by using laws and restrictions on the inhabitants of Brave New World when the Controller states, "We believe things becausethat we have been conditioned to believe. them,” once again drawing attention to conditioning. Citizens are not given the freedom of thought to question what they should believe, they are simply taught to believe blindly. Similarly, in V for Vendetta, the negative impact of government is evident when V states, "a handful of oppressors accepted responsibility for our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves." By doing nothing, we gave it away.” It becomes clear that V understands that freedom of thought would have given him the power to fight against the government. In both works, the contexts are similar because in Brave New World, citizens are “conditioned to believe things” from a very young age. Similarly in V for Vendetta, the government is strengthened to accept their life in a society controlled by an "oppressive handful". Both works show the negative impact of government on society and affecting the social status of individuals, conditioned and censored, resulting in a totalitarian government in order to create the ideal society. This demonstrates how determined the government is to create a utopian society using censorship and conditioning. However, the lack of distinction between individuals is censored by the government. The government's use of dehumanization and stripping away identity is vital to creating a utopian society through methods of control. This is evident in Brave New World as there is a distinct caste system that dictates each member's identity. This is achieved through a Bokanovsky process where there are “ninety-six identical twins working ninety-six identical machines”. This illustrates how there is no individuality since identity is assigned to them on the basis of caste and they are exactly the same. Through this process, the government is able to strip a citizen's identity and is thus able to control them more effectively. On the other hand, V for Vendetta gave a significant aspect of how negative governmental impact can harshly strip away a citizen's identity. in V for Vendetta when Evey reads Valerie's letter in the cell in which she was captured and refers to the cruel injustice Valerie suffered at the hands of the government. The letter said: “They shaved my hair, held my head in the toilet bowl and told jokes. about lesbians. This explains how Valerie was a lesbian and had feelings for her girlfriend named Ruth. However, Ruth committed suicide because she could not live with Valerie's betrayal. They later came for Valerie who was also stripped naked by the government officials and severely mistreated her by "shaving her hair" and holding Valerie's head "in the toilet bowl" while making " jokes about lesbians. These events stripped Valerie's identity because she loved an identical gender that was oppressed by the government and the government is thus able to control society and oppress an individual's feelings. These two ideas contradict each other because citizens of Brave New World are assigned an identity based on caste. However, in V for Vendetta, citizens are stripped naked by the government for liking their identical gender. Governments are asked to create a stable society with the Bokanovsky process and strip an individual's identity in order to maintain control over their society. Another example of dehumanization is seen when Bernard's characterization is presented in the book. This was evident in Brave New World when the director states, "If I ever hear of..