
  • Essay / Use of Darwinism by the Nazis - 1504

    After the Great War of the 19th century, European nations struggled to find economic stability. Germany took full responsibility for the outbreak of World War I and by signing the Treaty of Versailles, Germany agreed to cede huge chunks of territory and pay reparations to the victorious allies. The harsh principles set forth by the Treaty of Versailles made economic stability in Germany difficult and caused Germany to suffer from inflation and the Great Depression. Unemployment and fear of communism allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power in 1933. Before Hitler came to power, he spent nine months in prison where he wrote his autobiography Mein Kampf (My Struggle), in which he mentions how Darwin's theory of evolution was the only basis for a prosperous Germany. He expounds a number of evolutionary ideas such as: struggle, survival of the fittest and extermination of the weak to create a better society (Bergman.) Unable to accept Germany's defeat in the Great War, Adolf Hitler convinced the German people that they had been defeated from within or stabbed in the back by Communists, socialists, liberals and Jews. These “races” became scapegoats in Germany, and this is how they were constructed as an “inferior race”. These groups of people, notably the Jews, were not even considered human. With the belief in an inferior race came the belief in a superior race, that of the self-proclaimed Germans. Concentration camps were established in Germany to separate the inferior race, or non-Germans, from the Germans. The inferior race was believed to be contaminating the German gene pool. Social Darwinism is a term used to describe ideologies that compare Darwin's ideas about evolution to the social sciences...... middle of article ......lf was an atheist, although Bergman did not cannot speak for a group of people who believed what Hitler said was true. If Hitler was an atheist, that further supports the point I'm trying to make: Hitler did indeed use Darwin's ideas to justify his actions as well as creationist ideas. Bergman, unable to recognize the fact that Hitler was using manipulation and propaganda to encourage Nazism, was quick to attack the ideas of evolution. Now I will ask: is it fair to say that Hitler was a creationist because he used God in his speech, therefore creationism is equivalent to Nazism? Better yet, if the Nazis didn't believe in a god, would the holocaust have happened? Don't be fooled by my last statement, I don't believe creationism was the cause of the holocaust. However, I am trying to prove that Bergman's argument about Darwinism is just as stupid as my previous statement..