
  • Essay / AWC - 1534

    Section I (Senior Leadership Philosophy)One of the most important duties assigned to an officer is the honor of leading Airmen and being charged with responsibility for their professional development. The people I lead need to understand what I consider important because, ultimately, it should become important to them as well [Introduction, p. 189]. An organization needs a framework and this must be understood and put into practice by everyone within the organization. My Superior Leadership Philosophy is the framework for my organization and for my Superior Leadership Philosophy to work, I must practice it every day. It must stand alone and be easily understood by everyone in my organization. My leadership philosophy can be summed up in one word – TEAMWORK.T – Trust and Transparency: Make your subordinates feel part of the team by keeping them informed and involved. Encourage and allow them to use their creativity and remember to capitalize on their unique skills and backgrounds [Dempsey, p. 232].E – Effective communication (emphasis on listening): Effective communication is essential to the success of any organization [Grossman, p. 372 ].A – Attitude (a positive, positive attitude): Flight Controller is a customer service organization and we must have a customer service centric approach to everything we do. I encourage my members that all organizations contribute to the overall mission. M – Make decisions at the appropriate level (empowerment): Airmen will make mistakes; be prepared to help them move on from a mistake through professional development [Kotter, p. 643]. W – “We” mentality versus “Me” mentality: A “We” mentality builds trust, support, loyalty and a basis for growth in an organization...... middle of paper ...... . I will also prove to be a good role model for those I lead. Mid-term:1. I will adhere to Air National Guard standards and regulations and demonstrate that I am a responsible leader.2. I will develop my communication skills, take more responsibility and become more committed to my work.3. I will be patient and reach the highest position in the management hierarchy in 4 years. In the long term: 1.2. How I'll Get There: Training Opportunities/Requirements: Development Preferences – Future Jobs or Positions: Lt Col176 WG Chief of Staff 176 WG IG for InspectionsCommander FSF, LRS, OSS or MXS Director of JFHQ SupportDeputy Office Human Resources – JFHQ HRODeputy MSG or MXG CommanderTitle 10 Stat TourColDeputy USPFOUSPFOMSG CommanderJFHQ Chief of StaffHuman Resources Officer – JFHQ HRO176 WG Vice CommanderAKNG Inspector General (IG)Title 10 Stat Tour