
  • Essay / Ancient Mesopotamia - 672

    The land of Mesopotamia gave birth to many ideas for modern technology. Mesopotamia was located between two rivers. The Tigris and the Euphrates. The name Mesopotamia literally means between the rivers. Ancient Mesopotamia had many hardworking rulers, a great culture, and a polytheistic religion. Overall, Mesopotamia accomplished lots of amazing things. The Mesopotamians were some of the most intelligent people in the world. Their technology was cutting edge for its time. They were the first to use the number zero and the first to label a circle 360 ​​degrees. The Mesopotamians had many other enormous achievements such as the Tower of Babel which was mentioned several times in the Bible. The Mesopotamians had good government which created the class ladder. At the bottom of the ladder were free workers and slaves alike. Just above were the farmers and traders. At the very top were professional soldiers, usually wealthy people, priests and civil servants. The slave system was somewhat flexible. Slaves were usually war captives or someone who had done something wrong. You could get out of slavery by serving the punished time, earn a little money, then buy back your freedom. To continue, like many civilizations, the Mesopotamians had hunting dogs. These dogs were called mastiffs, large and formidable hunting dogs. The Mesopotamians were among the first to use the wheel. They used this advantage for hunting, transportation and battle. The Mesopotamians created the first forms of writing. They used a small stick and pressed it into soft clay to create different shapes. The rulers of Mesopotamia built huge and impressive palaces. Usually these buildings were made of precious objects. There would be a court and behind it a throne...... middle of paper...... lgamesh. This poem tells stories about Gilgamesh and a man named Enkidu. They became friends after a wrestling match that ended in a draw. When Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh sets out on a quest for eternal life. By the end of the story, Gilgamesh has learned that every human is mortal, even the most incredible heroes and greatest kings. There is yet another great person who lived in Mesopotamia, named Noah. He built an ark by order of God so that he, his family and the animals could survive a huge flood. The land of Mesopotamia gave birth to many ideas for modern technology. Mesopotamia is located between two rivers. Fittingly, its name means between rivers. Ancient Mesopotamia had many hardworking rulers, a great culture, and a polytheistic religion. Ancient Mesopotamia deserves far more recognition than for anything it accomplished.