
  • Essay / Steven Kerr - 1467

    As Kerr is an educator and professor in universities and not an economist, he examines his idea or creativity in the organization by carrying out surveys from the top management down to the bottom of the organization and also among people. who knew what the buyer or customer should be; he would then run it through his network inside and outside of GE for cross-examination and double-checking or evaluation (Davenport et al). Kerr's successes in ideas and creativity rely primarily on his continued exploratory research with great creative thinking skills, expertise and motivation, and they also depend on his exceptional leadership and exceptional organizational culture of innovation at GE (Davenport et al, 2003). On the question of how to relate his idea to his organization or business, Kerr simply collected and obtained quick feedback and recommendations on how to present or use the idea or creativity to his sixty-five executives GE superiors; he would evaluate and review his idea with his management team before linking it to GE (Davenport et al). Davenport, Prusak, and Wilson (2003) analyzed and asserted that getting instant feedback or criticism is very critical and vital for an idea, as Kerr argued in his interview: “Getting quick feedback and translating it into action and in results is what defending ideas is all about. about” (p. 207). In strategic planning, management should measure or evaluate the idea and creativity or development and expansion courses to ensure that they are getting the best and maximum returns from the platforms (Davenport). In the field of ideas and organizational management, comments, criticisms and suggestions could not only transform or develop into direction, objective and direction or target and direction of innovation..... . middle of article ...... feeling the diversity within the world of work forces and "each of them will also have networks of professional associates whose knowledge they can draw on to solve problems and accomplish tasks . It goes without saying that diverse people will have diverse networks and provide your business with a large and diverse meta-network at your disposal” (p.1). In short, to sustain creativity, innovators essentially need the support of top leaders, and without this support, many initiatives could fail or die (Harvard). For an idea to be successful, it is essential that it is aligned with the company's strategy; This is more likely to happen naturally when senior management gets involved and takes the lead in an idea or creativity initiative and is one of the main reasons why management commitment is a key factor in the realization of any idea or innovation process (Baumgarther, 2010).