
  • Essay / Spirits and the Devil: Real or Hoax? - 1026

    IntroductionParanormal activity involves spirits. It's an activity that people see or hear that others don't. Paranormal activity can also involve psychic spirits. When people say they see spirits, they tend not to believe them. Paranormal activity is a spirit that can be good or evil (distinguish the two). (Holmes, 2014). Paranormal activity is a topic that involves people who want to relax and escape. People can experience spirits and a new house they move into. Maybe someone died in the house. An old restaurant or store they could walk into. It is a practicality that only one person can see in no one else. (Roger, 2011). Jersey Devil was a creature from an area called New Jersey Pinelands. Jersey has haunted Pinelands for 260 years. The Jersey Devil closed the schools and Jobs Company. People didn't really believe that Jersey Devil was real. The Devil of Jersey called the Beast of Pineland. (Juliano, 1975). As people, they thought the Jersey Devil was a real monster. At the time the Jersey Devil was alive, New Jersey was a British colony. According to (McCann, Grace-Ellen (2000) "The Jersey Devil was 6 feet long with a reptilian body, a horse's head, a bat's wing, and a long forked tail." People gave the chest of the Jersey Devil several different names like the boodle-doodle bird and the Leeds Devil. People haven't really seen the Jersey Devil either. it engulfed the animals and, for a few seconds, the men did not emerge haunted (Mccrann, 2000).3 AccountsAccount 1According to Brian Regal, 2013, a woman known as Mother Leeds gave birth to her thirteenth child and died. is exclaimed: "Oh, let it be the devil! The "child" came with a horse's head... ... middle of paper ...... call them a witch It's not. a crime to call a baby a devil but it's mean Works Cited Juliano, D. (1975, October 30). Children experiencing paranormal activity Extract from Spirit Source:, G.-E. (October 26, 2000). Legend of the New Jersey Devil. Retrieved from New Jersey Gistorical Society: Regal, B. (November 3, 2013). The Jersey Devil: The True Story. Retrieved from the Committee for Skeptics:, M. (October 4, 2011). Strange Facts: How to Report Paranormal Activity. Retrieved from Science&Space: