
  • Essay / The reign of Forbes Burnham and the People's National...

    For some, Burnham was considered less radical than Jagan. Burnham strongly believed in making Guyana a socialist country. In the 1964 elections, the PNC received approximately 41% of the vote with the new political party, The United Force, receiving approximately 12% of the vote, this percentage being the party United Force gave in and supported the PNC making Burnham the Prime Minister. The United Force which represented conservatives in Guyanese society such as the economic elites and the Catholic Church. Under Burnham's leadership, the Guyanese government became an advertisement for the PNC. The PNC followed a strong socialist doctrine and 80% of the economy was nationalized. Guyana's economy is at a standstill and crime has become a way of life. Guyana was not able to export enough goods to earn enough money to import vital goods. Although at the beginning of his presidency, when he got everyone addicted to his brainwashing oratorical skills, he adopted moderate policies, but he began to seize full dictatorial power. during the 1968 elections. He established strong relations with the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea and socialist countries, which allowed him to establish a socialist form of government. During the 1970s, Burnham's policies were 1) the "National Security Act" which gave police the power to search, seize and arrest anyone Burnham wanted to arrest, 2) ban all forms of imports into Guyana, such as rice and flour, without developing a program. to produce these essential items domestically, 3) bankrupted the local economy by nationalizing foreign companies, this stupid idea ultimately led to Guyana defaulting on its international debts by the International Monetary Fund, which reduced the sh...... middle of paper ......ders who were democratically elected. Burnham was not elected in a free and fair election, he obtained his power through nefarious and illegal means and thus destroyed the country. Burnham's government was a legislative body operating under a corrupt constitution, a parliament created from invalid electoral theft and a constitution designed specifically to enhance the power of one man, as mentioned earlier in the chapter. Burnham sought respect from world leaders when he should actually be seeking respect from his own people. As his presidency drew to a close and the assassination of Walter Rodney (suggesting Burnham was behind it), he did not change his mind on critical issues affecting the country, such as democracy, economic improvement and freedom and fairness. elections. Burnham was adamant about these demands.