
  • Essay / Impact of Fraternity Participation on Social, Administrative, and Learning Skills

    College fraternities have always seemed to me to be an organization of guys who spend their time drinking beer and having their "meetings social” (parties). Just recently moving to Austin (which is definitely a “college town”) made me want to learn more about the sole purpose of these fraternities. For these reasons, I chose to select this crop for my essay. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay The definition of a fraternity is defined as “a primarily social organization of male students, usually designated by Greek letters.” (Morris 1982:523) This definition is not true for all, as most fraternity members are considered drunkards who accomplish nothing academically or socially. Unfortunately, the definition and representation of the people fail to mention the fact that membership in a fraternity is a lifelong experience that helps its members develop social, organizational, and study skills, and which also teaches a true eternal friendship. In fact, most of our presidents were members of a Greek organization. “The first fraternity was founded for literary and social purposes at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, on December 5, 1776.” (Klepper 1937: 24) Throughout the 19th century, many new fraternities were founded , but none of them were permanent. By the end of the 19th century, there were more than thirty general fraternities in the country. Fraternities today still exhibit characteristics of fraternities of the past. These characteristics include “ritual, loyalty oaths, sway, motto, insignia, friendship and camaraderie (Klepper 1937: 56). During membership, one must acquire leadership skills. For this reason, fraternities accept these positions occupied by members: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Scribe, etc. Since membership is considered a great achievement by other organizations, every brother must be able to serve in this capacity at all times. Organization is a must for every member. Fundraising activities and community service. are prioritized in each chapter, and each member is required to participate in these activities as an act of engagement, and it helps a member develop organization and planning. Living together in what is called a fraternity house adds to the richness. development of social skills and the ability to live with different types of people in different situations. Fraternities are famous for their social gatherings (parties) which require all members to be socially active and also develop social skills. It is normal for fraternities to organize studies. groups during the school year and before exams. Most fraternities keep test records and other study materials available to their members. Many members can receive scholarships and awards based on academic excellence, leadership and personal achievement, which helps them develop greater self-esteem. It is common for fraternity members to remain active after graduating from college. "It is a positive experience for the graduating member to stay connected with new and returning members of their chapter. There is no better way to stay young than to associate with young people." (Abramson 1995) The number of alumni can vary by a few:1996:12)