
  • Essay / The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle - 893

    The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is an imaginary triangle that is for many a myth, for others a huge mystery. From the facts about methane bubbles to the theories of the AUTEC base, the immense mystery turns into a story of fact or fiction. The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most studied places on Earth; many people, including me, want to know the truth behind this mystery. The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mysterious places on Earth; However, there are many theories behind this mystery, some including the government. The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean, the Bermuda Triangle, although a total mystery to most, it is full of lost ships and planes. Many wonder what the mystery is behind this triangle. In 1492, Columbus, who was sailing the ocean at the beginning of the age of exploration, noticed things affecting the reading of his compass ("The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.") The triangle was not mentioned again until in 1964 ("The Bermuda Triangle: "exploring the mystery of this underwater wonder.") Hundreds of ships and planes have disappeared or lost control in the triangle. One of the most famous disappearances of the Triangle is Flight 19. Flight 19, a naval adventure, is an incident that occurred in December 1945; the flight ended with other adventures and had a compass malfunction, Captain Charles Taylor did not. was apparently not on the right path where they had planned to go All the flights had disappeared and were eventually found, except for Flight 19 which is why this disappearance is one of the most famous ("The; Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle” and “Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle – Facts and Myths.”) Another famous case that disappeared was the USS Cyclops; he disappeared in 1918 with...... middle of paper ......-1.htm "Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle - Facts and Myths." » Raj Bhattacharya.April 23, 2014. Ruggiero. “Natalia Ruggiero’s blog.” Blog by Natalie Ruggieros. Internet. April 27, 2014. “Supernatural explanation.” Bermuda Triangle Internet. April 27, 2014. “The Bermuda Triangle: exploring the mystery of this underwater wonder” Kids WorldMagazine Spring 2011: 11+. Student resources in context. Internet. April 25, 2014. Http:// 7ca254314337 & V = 2.1 & U == TLC039012246 & it = R & P = GPS & SW = W & ASID = 54850D91995273ACFC475C8920123 “The“ mystery ” »» Lee Krystek, 2010. Web. April 22, 2014.