
  • Essay / Persuasive Essay on Exercise - 701

    Based on a study conducted by the Center for Disease Control, 80% of Americans do not exercise on a weekly basis. For adults over the age of 24, the recommended dose of exercise is between 2 and 4 hours per week. Few achieve this goal. Instead, all 40,000 people surveyed said their schedules didn't allow them to exercise weekly (Jaslow). For most, a few hours a week could mean a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes or chronic pain. It would also enable a stronger memory and a brighter mood. Unfortunately, most Americans never receive these benefits. People should increase their physical activity to 2 to 4 hours per week to improve their physical health, increase their mental awareness, and strengthen their overall attitude. Weekly exercise helps build a strong and resilient body. Getting 2 to 4 hours of aerobic exercise per week will significantly reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. According to their study, the CDC found that more than 5 million deaths could be linked to illnesses caused by prolonged inactivity. With just a few hours of exercise per week, a person can defend against heart disease, diabetes, obesity, strokes and heart attacks, to name a few (Jaslow). Second, organs also function better in a fit body. Without body fat weighing down the lungs, liver and kidneys, the body can perform its normal functions with more energy. Finally, the joints benefit from a smaller waistline. Access weight loss and strengthening the muscles surrounding lower joints, such as the knees and ankles, can resolve painful pressure on the joints. This can also be achieved through regular weekly exercise. A commitment to the gym can provide faster mobility as well as a better quality of life. Exercise can open your mind to faster thinking and better memory. First of all, in a stud farm... ... middle of paper......, start with a personal pace and set achievable goals. Knowing your body will determine the intensity and type of exercise. Many keep a journal to track their progress and stay on task. Second, choose exercises that seem fun. If it feels like a game, the exercise will be easier to enjoy. Finally, stick to the exercise commitment recommended by the CDC. Starting with a day or an hour is a step in the right direction. Before long, these few steps will allow anyone worried about their ability to achieve new personal goals. Setting a goal to exercise 2 or 3 times a week will strengthen the body, sharpen the mind and improve mood. By choosing to exercise, adults can expect a better quality of life and lasting happiness. People who exercise feel less stressed and think more clearly. Be part of the 20% of the CDC who exercise regularly and see the difference