
  • Essay / The Fetal Tissue Research Debate - 2596

    The Fetal Tissue Research Debate We can almost all agree that the goal of the medical field is to do everything possible to help relieve and prevent human suffering. This point is not often debated. Taking aspirin, getting a flu shot or vaccination, or taking antibiotics to feel better are all common in our world. The use of fetal tissue can provide relief to many patients today, but these people do not yet receive the full benefits of this treatment. Many people are ethically concerned about the implications of this area of ​​research. But fetal tissue research is extremely beneficial and should be continued and supported despite the arguments against it, provided that certain guidelines are established to regulate the ethical aspects. Properties of Fetal Cells What makes fetal tissues so valuable for research? Thanks to certain properties of these young cells, they are perfect for many uses in medicine and research. Four main properties give fetal cells this potential for successful transplantation. The first property is their ability to grow and proliferate after transplantation. As they grow, it is more likely that the transplanted cells will become a functional part of the recipient's existing tissues. In fact, researchers believe that at some point in the future, they will be able to grow a fully functioning kidney from just a few fetal kidney cells. In addition to their ability to grow and divide rapidly, fetal cells have the capacity to produce trophic substances. These are the growth factors that help cells proliferate quickly. They also promote the regeneration of adjacent damaged tissues of the recipient. (Council...Business 566)Another important feature of these c...... middle of paper ...... that we have. And despite all these arguments, fetal tissue transplantation has so many benefits that it must be researched and used to help everyone who suffers as much as possible.BibliographyBegley, Sharon. “Remedies from the womb.” Newsweek February 22, 1993: 49-51. Council for Scientific Affairs and Council for Ethical and Judicial Affairs. “Medical Applications of Fetal Tissue Transplantation.” JAMA 263 (1990): 565-570. Harris, Rod, Ellen Mayo, Jim Tankersley. “An Introduction to Fetal Tissue Transplantation.” Online. Internet. Available:, Barry S. A time to be born and a time to die, the ethics of choice. Aldine de Gruyter, New York. 1991. Roberston, John A. "Rights, Symbolism, and Public Policy in Fetal Tissue Transplants." Benefits, social justice and health policy. 663-673.