
  • Essay / Introverts and Extroverts in Our Society - 889

    Do you like to spend a Friday evening in a crowded place meeting lots of new people or do you prefer to snuggle up in bed having a cup of tea and reading a book ? Do you prefer to hang out with a large number of friends or just one or two close friends? Your answers may be one or the other or perhaps you would prefer something in between. We all fall somewhere on the spectrum between extroverts and introverts. And some situations would make us feel more one way or the other. However, it is difficult to say that a person is definitely an introvert or an extrovert because although a person can have characteristics of an introvert, they can also have characteristics of an extrovert. But then again, what are introverts and extroverts? Extroverts are generally people who need to obtain gratification from things outside themselves. They tend to enjoy human interaction and are enthusiastic, talkative, assertive and sometimes loud. Additionally, they tend to be full of energy and thrive when being around other people. Extroverts enjoy participating in large gatherings, parties, and affairs because they tend to be more energetic about being around people and enjoying their company. However, when they are alone, they find less reward in the time they spend alone because they tend to become bored. On the other hand, introverts are people preoccupied and interested in their own mental lives and often perceived as more reserved and less outspoken in groups. Unlike extroverts who feel energized when around a large group of people, introverts find their energy drained by human interaction. It is therefore essential that they spend time alone to “recharge” themselves. Al...... middle of paper ...... communication is much easier between communicators with different personality traits. In this society, introverts and extroverts may feel different because they do not have the characteristics valued by the other group. Introverts may be criticized for their lack of social participation because they tend to become overstimulated and overwhelmed when trying to keep up with their extroverted peers. Extroverts, on the other hand, would feel impatient and lonely when stimulating situations were not accessible to them. In conclusion, being an introvert does not make someone more inferior to extroverts, both traits are necessary for a well-balanced society. Whatever your personality trait, it is important to nurture your own personality type and adapt to life, because everyone's life path should be measured based on your own goals and values, not based on exterior achievements..