
  • Essay / Eat Your Greens – Don't Smoke Them - 1729

    "Weed", "pot", "chronic", "sticky icky" and many others, are all nicknames for the widely popular and intoxicating narcotic known under the name of marijuana. The history of this medicine dates back to 10,000 BCE. However, it is currently most commonly used for smoking due to its psychotropic effects. Narcotic marijuana provides its users with a temporary feeling of relaxation, tranquility, and hilarity. Unfortunately, the potential harms and dangers far outweigh the benefits. It is necessary to maintain our current marijuana laws and regulations because they protect the safety, health, and future of this great nation. Members of Canadian society with healthy, stable and uninfluenced minds and bodies enable a safe community and a bright future. Regular and constant consumption of narcotics leads to dangerous effects on the health and development of an individual. Scientific research has indicated that frequent use of this medication causes harm and increases potential risks to the health of the human body, especially to the reproductive, immune and respiratory systems, as well as the brain. THC is the main chemical property in marijuana that is responsible for altering what an individual perceives. Weakened short-term memory and the inability to process and remember new information are the result of THC attaching to certain brain receptors. Marijuana can cause a person's emotions to fluctuate and change from moment to moment. The limbic system is the area affected by marijuana and can cause an individual to act paranoid. In the same way that emotions and short-term memory are affected, a person under the influence of marijuana impairs their coordination, their ability to perform the simplest tasks that one can usually accomplish, such as driving a car. ..... middle of paper. ..... far exceed the benefits of the drug. Marijuana harms the user of the drug as well as those around them. Parents, children, friends, others and their families can all be affected by the irresponsible decision to use this drug. Marijuana jeopardizes the quality of life of families and future generations by slowly deteriorating health and posing a risk to safety and security. It is completely absurd to decriminalize this drug, as it clearly affects every individual in a negative way. The rules and regulations set by the government take into account the welfare of the public. It is essential that current marijuana laws are protected, so that the minds and bodies of Canadians are safe from this dangerous and harmful narcotic. Responsible decisions are needed by everyone, including the government, to ensure that marijuana laws are never relaxed or rolled back..