
  • Essay / "The Storm" - 643

    Kate Chopin's short story "The Storm" focuses on Calixta and Alcee, two characters who commit adultery after being brought together by an unexpected storm. Because Chopin wrote This story in the 1890s depicts the lack of passion and sexual attraction in marriages. Bad weather paved the way for Calixta and Alcee to act on their sexual urges, which ultimately gave them a sense of freedom. renewal in their marriage. Chopin interweaves the plot and setting by describing a storm that fundamentally influenced a sexual encounter and provides insight into the era's view that marriage is much more than just a sexual relationship. From the first paragraph, Chopin depicts a gathering storm and informs the reader of Calixta's domestic life as the storm also quickly approached Alcee, a former lover. At first, Calixta's thoughts were consumed by her marital obligations. This is evident when she declares, “I have enough to do!” And there is Bobinot with Bibi in this storm” (314). It's obvious that Calixta is overwhelmed by the endless tasks she feels are expected of her. Soon...