
  • Essay / My representation of writing and writing skills - 1398

    My interpretation of the writing sampleI can sleepI can wake upI can blockadeI can chop woodI can cuddleI like pizza and pasta sauce This essay provides an analysis of a writing sample from a basic literacy learner at the early stage of developing their spelling and writing skills. (reference). Outline your analysis, this is what you will address and develop in your body paragraphs. Cite theories...and strategies for basic literacy and language development AND state the teaching and learning strategies you will use in your classroom activities to develop this child's writing. “The art of becoming a competent writer is a developmental process and takes place over a long period of time. period of time” (Winch, Johnston, March, Ljungdahl, Holiday, 2010. p271.) The purpose of this essay is to analyze a sample of handwriting from foundation and prep level students. Draw on a number of sources to explain the developmental stage of their spelling and writing skills. Beginning with an overview of this writing sample, from which this essay will focus on his spelling, sentence structure, letter formation, and genre awareness, before providing an analysis of his writing as a whole and to determine its level of development in relation to the Australian. Victorian Essential Learning Standards (AusVELS) levels. This writing sample consists of a paragraph written about...sentences as his teacher dated them as they were graded. In this transcription, the teacher's corrections are provided in parentheses after the corrected word.I can sleepI can wake upI can damI can cu drinkI can cuddleI like piz and pes sooThis writing is - . The statements are about himself and the things he/she can do. Spelling attempts the middle of the sheet......on the text: Strategies for teachers and learners. Berkshire: NFER-Nelson. Swan, C. (2009). Strategies for teaching literacy in early childhood. Norwood: Australian Association of Literacy Educators. Topfer, C. and Arendt, D. (2010). Guided thinking for effective spelling. Carlton South: Curriculum Corporation. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). (2012). The Australian program in Victoria: AUSVELS. VCAA.Vygotsky, LS (1978). The mind in society: the development of higher psychological processes. United States: Harvard University Press. Winch, G., Johnston, RR, March, P., Ljungdahl, L. and Holliday, M. (eds.). (2010). Literacy: reading, writing and children's literature (4th ed.). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Wing Jan, L. (2005). Writing manners: Modeling writing forms. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.