
  • Essay / Mandatory uniforms in public schools

    Do you want equality among students at your child's school? Do you want less violence in your child's school? Do you want your daughter to focus more on her homework and less on the designer jeans she wears? All of this is possible thanks to mandatory uniform policies in public school districts. School uniforms may seem outdated to some people, but in many cases they can improve school spirit, attendance, and student behavior. According to The Humanist magazine, former President Bill Clinton's 1996 State of the Union address called on the nation's 16,000 school districts to adopt a uniform policy. The president said, "If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms" (qtd. in Wilkens, screen 1). The public school district of Long Beach, California was the first to adopt a mandatory school uniform policy. Say no to plagiarism. Get a custom essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay The school district reported a drastic decrease in violence, discipline problems, as well as higher test scores after a year of implementation of the new policy (Wilkens, screen 1). Although students believe that wearing uniforms at school stifles individual expression and creativity, mandatory uniforms in public schools promote a positive learning environment because they create equality among all students, reduce violence and allow students to focus on their homework rather than their clothes. Students and some parents dispute that mandatory uniform policies in public schools are unconstitutional. They believe that the compulsory wearing of uniforms in public schools violates the First Amendment of the Constitution, freedom of expression. The First Amendment was ratified in 1791 and states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or restricting freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble. , and to petition the government for a redress of grievances” (Renstrom 723). The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) also claims that "mandatory uniforms violate students' free expression rights" (King, screen 3). When wearing uniforms, children feel like they have limits on their self-expression. For example, students perceive their clothing as a way to express their emotions, show their creative abilities, express their opinions, and display their individualism; if they have to wear uniforms to school, the opportunity for students to reveal their personalities is eliminated. Newsweek reports that some teachers and principals sympathize with the students. Middle school principal in Sherman Oaks, California, Norman Isaacs believes that by wearing a student's clothes, a teacher can gain insight into what is going on in the student's personal life. He says, “Our counselors and teachers monitor how children are dressed if we see a significant change in how a student is dressing, that sends a signal and tells us that we need to address this person” ( cited in “Uniforms Rule”, screen 2). Students believe that school uniforms create a military environment. An environment where everyone is dressed the same and should act the sameway, present the same personalities and have the same opinions. Parents also don't want to pay the extra cost of uniforms for their children. For example, parents feel like they should pay for two sets of clothes, for school and for play. Keith King describes a situation in California: In 1995, a lawsuit was filed against the Long Beach Unified School District by the ACLU on behalf of the working classes. income families. The lawsuit claimed that “the district fails to help low-income students purchase uniforms and punishes students who do not wear them.” The ACLU also claimed that "the district is not adequately informing parents of their rights to request an exemption from the program." ACLU attorneys claim that "families with low socioeconomic status are left without food, no utilities and no rent to buy compulsory school uniforms" (screen 4). Some of the schools that have adopted the compulsory uniform policy will help pay for uniforms for those who need them, but parents believe that Most schools have financial needs and that money should not be wasted on clothing. However, students and parents who do not want mandatory uniform policies within their public schools do not know what that is. is school. School is an educational institution that children attend so that they can learn and receive a well-rounded education. Compulsory uniform policies would not stifle children's creative abilities and violate the. first amendment. Newsweek contends that “the courts have made it clear that. students do not have the same rights inside the school as outside; clothing requirements are not considered a violation of their freedom of expression if there is a valid educational reason for imposing them. » Many parents may choose to exempt their child if they have religious objections (“Uniform Rule,” screen 2). find other ways to express their creative abilities other than clothing. When do clothes match a child's character or personality? Students can be creative through artwork and school work, which is much healthier. Children should not rely solely on school to express themselves. they go to school about seven to eight hours a day, five days a week. They have nights and weekends to express themselves through their clothes. Additionally, mandatory uniforms would not create a military environment; which many of our students need. Parents worried about expenses should know that uniforms cost less than a pair of Abercrombie & Fitch jeans and there is no need to buy two sets of clothes. Fortune magazine adds that when we think of school uniforms, we think of blue blazers, plaid skirts, and white socks, and it was all uncomfortable. Now, more school officials are turning to capri pants, sweaters, and denim shirts that can also be used as after-school clothing (key, screen 1). Keith King also states that for seventy to ninety dollars a set of three uniforms can be purchased. Many students spend more than that on designer clothing (screen 4). When purchasing uniforms, parents may only need to purchase three or four and wash them often. Additionally, some schools offer uniform recycling programs. Older students sell their uniforms to younger students at low prices. This program does not cost the school anything. Long Beach Unified Schoolresponds to the ACLU's claims mentioned earlier: "Long Beach Unified School officials say the district has spent more than one hundred thousand dollars in donations from individuals and organizations to purchase uniforms and other supplies for financially burdened people. students” (quoted in King, screen 4). One of the reasons why mandatory uniform policies are good is that they create equality among all students. In a school where enrollment is strongly minority, uniforms are a good way to guarantee the equality of each student. Students are not divided into social classes by teachers or other students. A child's economic background can determine their social class at school. For example, a public school teacher who was new to the uniform policy noticed that at the end of the year she did not know the economic situation of any of her students. This allowed him to know the child's talents, interests and abilities and this information was not influenced by factors beyond his control. With uniforms we wouldn't have inequality between students because one can afford to buy a designer and the other can't. Having designer clothes is another determinant of social classes. Compulsory uniforms also highlight inequalities between parents. Parents don't have the burden of being able to afford designer clothes to make their child happy. Parents also have fewer fights with their children each morning. Some parents constantly argue with their children about their clothes. For example, a child really doesn't want to go to school, so she makes up an excuse that she has nothing to wear. The child may also complain that their clothes are no longer fashionable and that it is impossible for them to show up to school in last season's styles. Another cause for battle is the type of clothes the girl tries to wear to school. Even though there are dress codes in public schools, students find ways to get around the policies. For example, a 13-year-old girl walks through the door wearing a tank top that shows the drift and shorts. Her father stops her before she takes another step and tells her to go back to her room and change her clothes. The girl claims that everyone wears tank tops and shorter shorts and they don't get in trouble. The father stands his ground but later regrets it when his daughter doesn't want to talk to him. With uniforms, there is no fighting over what students wear to school. This can also increase the child's attendance. A child wakes up one morning and decides that he doesn't like the clothes he has to wear to school. The clothes he wears aren't designer brands and he is fed up with his classmates because they make fun of him. The child decides to skip school and his attendance begins to decline, which also causes his grades to drop. There is also less peer pressure in a school where a mandatory uniform policy is in place. When a group of students start wearing designer clothes, all the students feel obligated to wear designer clothes or else they will be made fun of in front of their friends. For example, without a uniform, some children will wear designer clothes and others will wear clothes from Wal-Mart. What happens is the kid who wears the best clothes will make fun of the kid who wears Wal-Mart clothes. Furthermore, the confidence and self-esteem of the child who is being made fun of declines quickly. Decline in self-confidence and self-esteem can also lead to.