
  • Essay / The Immediate Damage Fast Food Causes to Your Well-Being

    In our mainstream today, there are many medical problems. Individuals choose more junk food because there are a large number of restaurants offering cheap food. People don't yet think about the food they put in their mouths. Everyone needs to understand that the more fat and cholesterol they put into their body, the slower their heart will beat, reducing their life expectancy. A few people recognize that they are unhealthy and have made the decision to eat healthier, but the fat and cholesterol in foods lure them back. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Everyone should reconsider their decision before choosing to eat fast food. There are many health risks when it comes to eating foods prepared in seconds. Subsistence is not legitimately processed, which pushes the distance back to where food is initially created. Even though it's anything but hard to buy and lousy, the health dangers outweigh the five minutes of fulfillment that fast food brings. You need to think carefully before eating fast food. The health risks of eating too much fast food are dangerous. Obesity can come from eating frequently purchased junk food. Fast food is produced with a lot of saturated fat and calories, if this does not work then you can develop obesity. This is because even a small amount of junk food contains a lot of calories. Individuals are deceived by quantity and tend to eat more. This way, without knowing it, they burn a ton of calories. This is a major precedent for how individuals can devour such a large amount of calories without knowing it. Obesity is not the main risk, since coronary heart disease is also a primary factor. What you eat can influence your heart health and your risk of developing dangerous coronary heart disease. When you consume the majority of fats, sugars and salts, your heart can become fragile and put you at risk. There is no harm to your body when it comes to consuming junk food. Foodborne illnesses can come from junk food. What many people do not know are the conditions in which the animals live before being executed. Dairy animals are suspended from above, pigs and chickens are confined in enclosed spaces. Inside the office, the animals are once again beaten to be put in cages. In one case, a man is seen punching, kicking and kneeing a pig, then hitting it with steel pliers at least 20 times, as the animals scream. What can come from these living conditions? Distinctive microscopic organisms that enter our livelihood. An ongoing report found that 48% of fast food restaurant soda sources contain coliform microbes – which grow during defecation. 11% contained E. It is very sickening to see that even our sodas are currently tainted with foodborne illnesses that mostly come from meat. In the United States, foodborne illnesses have been estimated at 6 million 81 million. diseases and up to 9,000 deaths each year. Anyone among these numbers can belong to someone's family. Most of these microbes are found in the foods you,.