
  • Essay / Macbeth by William Shakespeare - 731

    Lady MacbethIn William Shakespeare's play Macbeth, the moods of many characters change throughout. However, the character whose mood changes the most throughout the play is Lady Macbeth. At the beginning of the play, it is Lady Macbeth who pushes Macbeth to kill King Duncan. She seems confident and determined at the beginning of the play until she is overcome by guilt. Along with this, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth's relationship changes after the many murders they have committed. Ultimately, after all the deaths that Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have accomplished, she ultimately cannot sleep knowing what she has completed. From the beginning, Lady Macbeth wants to be queen and if that happens, Macbeth would be king. To do this, King Duncan would have to die. This is where Lady Macbeth’s idea of ​​killing Duncan comes into play. “Come, you spirits who occupy yourselves with mortal thoughts, desex me here and fill me from head to foot with the most terrible cruelty” (Scene 1 act 5 44-46). ). This quote describes how Lady Macbeth wants the royalty of being queen. Here she craves power to be the queen and she shows that she will do anything to get it, like killing. As Macbeth attempts to commit the murder, Lady Macbeth persuades him and he finally does it. During this act, Lady Macbeth plays a dominant leader as she drives Macbeth to murder. What really tops it off is when Macbeth doesn't completely carry out the plan and Lady Macbeth finishes it with ease. As the play progresses, Lady Macbeth's dominant lady begins to disappear. In Act 5, Lady Macbeth still moves her hands as if she is washing them, which foreshadows a dramatic and emotional scene about to occur. At the beginning of the play she didn't bother to wash her hand...... middle of paper ...... Banquo to the suicidal murder she changes greatly. Her madness takes over her mind as she commits suicide. Before this, she wakes up in her sleep where she is sleepwalking. During this, she reveals out loud a lot of information about the murders she committed. Guilt had taken over her body and during this scene, she rubs her hands the whole time. She can't shake the guilt she has deep within over Duncan's murder. She can't take it anymore and decides to commit suicide. Lady Macbeth starts off as calm, controlled, and confident, but in the end she ends up going crazy and crazy in her emotions and commits another murder on her own. The relationship between her and Macbeth does not change much until later in the play. Eventually, from the beginning of Duncan's murder to the murder of herself, Lady Macbeth's emotions take over to drive her mad and lead her to her death..