
  • Essay / Beauty Pageants Essay - 768

    Persuasive Speech – Beauty Pageants Should Be BannedDid you know that this year alone, 2.5 million girls will compete and be judged on the basis of their physical appearance and their physical abilities? These girls who, from the age of one, learn early on that physical beauty and ability are the only way to win. I'm not sure about you all, but I really struggle to see anything positive about it. Hello/Hello Mrs. Spencer and classmates. As most of you may know my name is Jemma and today I am going to explain why I think there is nothing positive about beauty pageants and that they should be prohibited. According to the Australian Oxford Dictionary, the term "beauty pageant" is defined as a public entertainment which consists of a parade of people who will be judged and scored.JUDGED.This word alone should be enough to alarm today's society today. These young children are taught that outward beauty is all that matters and the only way to live a successful life is to hide behind a pretty face and that is NOT acceptable. First Argument It is common knowledge that beauty pageants can be blamed for many reasons. cases of psychological problems such as eating disorders. Statistics show that 60% of children who participated in beauty pageants have psychological problems later in life. This is not surprising when you consider the fact that many of these young girls have been taught from a young age that physical beauty is the only way to win. This has often led to pageant kids feeling like they're not good enough and will go to extremes to improve. Much like the modeling and fashion industry, pageant contestants have turned... middle of paper... wrong. As I've said before, instances such as eating disorders and a lack of understanding of the real world in these naive young children can be traced back to earlier shows. What kind of people would think it is okay to instill false ideas about beauty in the minds of our youth? “It just shows the lack of understanding and empathy these people feel once they realize there is money in this certain industry. Conclusion As I have told you countless times today, child beauty pageants have no good points and should be banned. Not only do they cause mental illnesses like eating disorders, but they also prevent these young children from living a normal life; both illuminating childhood activities, or until death. It's reasons like these that should lead us all to agree that child beauty pageants should be banned altogether. THANKS.